In some cases, the client is not able to take responsibility for their own appointments. In that case, a family member can participate in the treatment. When accompanying a family member to an appointment, you can prepare in advance.

Ask your family member if you should only accompany them to the clinic or if they also want you to have access to their health information. If your family member wants you to receive information about their health status, they can sign a form allowing you to handle matters related to their health at Mehiläinen’s clinic. The form is available at our clinics. 

If the person who is ill is not able to participate in the planning of the treatment

  • At the clinic, inform our staff of your family member’s allergies and illnesses, as well as any medications, vitamins, herbal products or dietary supplements that they are using.
  • If your family member’s performance or ability to express themselves is impaired because of a condition such as dementia, please tell our staff how they can best communicate with your family member.
  • When your family member is sent home, you are informed about what medication they need to take. You can discuss how further treatment should be arranged and who to contact if you wish to check the treatment instructions later.
  • If your family member uses several different medications at the same time, you can request that a doctor assess their medication regularly or at least once a year. Dosing of the medication helps your family member take the right medication at the right time. You can dose the medications in a pill organizer or ask the pharmacy staff to put them in pill pouches.