Customer service and booking

Private and occupational health customers

You can easily find available appointments at all medical clinics in the online appointment booking service.

Go to online appointment booking

Mehiläinen’s customer service centre is open 24/7 at 010 414 00.

Our customer service will help you with, for example, the following issues:

  • Appointment booking
  • Advice related to patient documents and the renewal of prescriptions
  • Advice and enquiries concerning Mehiläinen’s service selection
  • Guidance in the use of the online booking service and the OmaMehiläinen service

You may have to wait longer in the morning than during other hours of the day.


010 414 0112

Our switchboard will help you if you want to contact:

  • Mehiläinen’s clinics
  • the Patient Ombudsman
  • or experts with whom you can book an appointment.

In matters concerning previous appointments, you can call either the switchboard at 010 414 0112 or the number 020 33 4400.

Cancelling an appointment

If you cannot make it to an appointment, please cancel it no later than on the day before the appointment in the OmaMehiläinen app or by email via the cancellation link provided in the appointment confirmation message. You can also cancel your appointment by phone by calling our customer service at 010 414 00 or the basic-rate number 020 33 4400. Check the rates for calls.

You can view your future and past appointments in the health folder of the OmaMehiläinen app. You can also view the details of the members of staff who participated in your treatment.

Download the OmaMehiläinen app to your mobile device from Apple’s App Store or Google’s Play Store.

Customer feedback

Submit feedback with an electronic form.


020 33 4400

  • In matters concerning the invoicing of occupational health care services, you can call either the switchboard at 010 414 0112 or the number 020 33 4400
  • In matters concerning the invoicing of municipal services, you can call either the switchboard at 010 414 0112 or the number 020 33 4400.
  • In matters concerning the purchase ledger, you can call either the switchboard at 010 414 0112 or the number 020 33 4400.

Agreement partnerships

In matters concerning new agreements, you can call our switchboard at 010 414 0112.
In matters concerning current agreements, you can call either the switchboard at 010 414 0112 or the number 020 33 4400.

Recording of phone calls

We record all calls for the purpose of training our customer service employees and for quality assurance purposes. Recordings will not be used for any other purposes or handed over to third parties outside Mehiläinen.

Rate for calls

You can cancel an appointment by calling the basic-rate service number​​​​​​​ 020 33 4400 (the call costs EUR 0.084/min) or through the OmaMehiläinen mobile app.

Queuing is subject to a charge.

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