Please bring the following to your appointment, examination or procedure

  • Your Kela card, if you have one and are a Finnish citizen or
  • an official ID card or passport if you are a citizen of another country.

If you bring a child who lives abroad to the doctor, please bring the child’s Kela card or ID card or passport. When registering, you are asked to provide information about the parents or guardians as well as the phone number and address of the adult bringing the child to the doctor.

If your permanent address is abroad, you have a poste restante address or you are a citizen of another country, we will charge an advance fee of 150 euros. The advance fee is deducted from the total fees and any excess amount will be returned to you after the visit.

You should also bring any earlier medication and treatment information, prescriptions and any information about home monitoring. Remember to notify our staff of any allergies or other illnesses, prescription and over-the-counter medication or vitamins or herbal supplements that you use, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.