Tule kuntoon model

Most of the working days missed due to sickness and weakened work ability have to do with musculoskeletal symptoms and disorders. The purpose of the Tule kuntoon model is to ensure the best possible physical capacity and work ability of the individual. The Tule kuntoon model is part of Mehiläinen’s Kuntoon operating models. 

Physical stress at work often plays a role in the development of symptoms. Accidents at work and in personal life are also considerable risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders. On the other hand, we know that when it comes to musculoskeletal disorders, rest does not promote rehabilitation; long sick leaves even increase the risk of becoming excluded from working life. Learn more about musculoskeletal disorders and the role of occupational health care 

How to reduce sick leaves and disability pensions related to musculoskeletal disorders 

  • prevention of musculoskeletal symptoms 
  • corrective measures to treat new symptoms and disorders 
  • support for people with chronic disorders so that they can continue working 

Tule kuntoon model tackles musculoskeletal symptoms 

The Tule kuntoon model helps the employee function and cope in their work despite musculoskeletal issues, which is a much better solution for both the employee and the employer than recurring sick leaves. 

  • Proactive activities cover the entire personnel and are designed to improve opportunities of avoiding musculoskeletal symptoms both at work and in their private lives.  
  • If the work ability is threatened, timely health care launches effective treatment and rehabilitation in order to adjust the work.  
  • If the symptoms become chronic, means of professional rehabilitation can be used at the workplace or opportunities can be sought for utilising the remaining work ability in other work tasks.  
  • The occupational physiotherapist is particularly responsible for building the Tule kuntoon model in the occupational health team. 

The Tule kuntoon model can be used to decrease the sick-leave percentage, particularly at workplaces where these percentages in terms of musculoskeletal disorders are higher than average. The benefits for the individual worker include faster rehabilitation, prevention of displacement from work, and development of the work to improve performance.