Mehiläinen's COVID-19 vaccinations

Corona vaccinations given by Mehiläinen have ended for the time being.

Kela's direct reimbursements for corona vaccinations or tests will end on June 30, 2023.

Who can get a COVID-19 vaccination?

COVID-19 booster dose is designed for adults over 18 years of age, regardless of their place of residence. Vaccination can be given to high-risk groups as well as to other adults.

How and where can I get a COVID-19 vaccination?

Corona vaccinations given by Mehiläinen have ended for the time being.

Kela's direct reimbursements for corona vaccinations or tests will end on June 30, 2023.

For COVID-19 vaccination, you will need a COVID-19 vaccination certificate for previously given COVID-19 vaccinations. You can print or download the COVID-19 vaccination certificate by logging in to the service, in Finnish, (Terveystiedot > Rokotukset).

Frequently asked questions

Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine and the influenza vaccine at the same time?

Yes you can. The influenza season is already underway, but it is still a good idea to get the influenza vaccine in January. Especially for those belonging to any high-risk groups, but also for everyone else.

Learn more:
Learn more about Mehiläinen’s influenza vaccinations

Where can I get the vaccine?

Corona vaccinations given by Mehiläinen have ended for the time being.

Kela's direct reimbursements for corona vaccinations or tests will end on June 30, 2023.

Which COVID-19 vaccine is available at Mehiläinen?

Mehiläinen provides a variant or so-called booster dose, which is more effective against the varying coronavirus strain.

Learn more:
More information about vaccinations  (in Finnish), Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

How do I book an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccination?

Corona vaccinations given by Mehiläinen have ended for the time being.

Kela's direct reimbursements for corona vaccinations or tests will end on June 30, 2023.

How much does a COVID-19 vaccine cost?

Corona vaccinations given by Mehiläinen have ended for the time being.

Kela's direct reimbursements for corona vaccinations or tests will end on June 30, 2023.

I am an occupational health customer of Mehiläinen. How do I know if getting a booster dose is included in my occupational health agreement?

Employers inform about the possibility of vaccination in cooperation with occupational health care.

If necessary, you can also check your vaccination possibilities in occupational health by calling our customer service 010 414 00.

For COVID-19 vaccination, you will need a COVID-19 vaccination certificate for previously given COVID-19 vaccinations. You can print or download the COVID-19 vaccination certificate by logging in to the service, in Finnish, (Terveystiedot > Rokotukset).

If the corona vaccination is part of your occupational health contract, you can book an appointment by logging into online appointment booking and writing in the Person or service field, Corona vaccination.

Do I need a COVID-19 vaccine if I have had a coronavirus during October-December?

It is important that everyone has the recommended COVID-19 vaccination protection. Recommendations vary by age and risk group. A booster dose can be given if at least three months have passed from a coronavirus infection.

If you have had a coronavirus infection during October-December 2022, you do not have to take a booster dose during the first months of 2023 (3 months after you have been ill).

Learn more:
More information about taking the COVID-19 vaccine and recommendations (in Finnish), Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

I've had a COVID-19 vaccine before. Do I need a new COVID-19 vaccine?

It is important that everyone has the recommended COVID-19 vaccination protection. Recommendations vary by age and risk group. A booster dose can be given if at least three months have passed from the last vaccination.

Learn more:
Further information on taking the booster dose (in Finnish), Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

I'm missing the first COVID-19 vaccinations. Can I get a COVID-19 vaccine now?

A booster dose can be given if you have received 2 vaccinations of the COVID-19 series of vaccinations. One case of coronavirusinfected illness counts as one dose of vaccine.

If the basic series of vaccinations is incomplete, you should supplement or start now. If you have received one vaccination AND have had the coronavirus-infected illness at least once, you can come to Mehiläinen to complete your series of vaccinations. Similarly, if you have had coronavirus at least twice but have not received any vaccine, you can complete the series of vaccinations at Mehiläinen.

Learn more:
Further information on the basic series of vaccinations and taking a booster dose (in Finnish), Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

I have received a full basic series of vaccinations and recommended booster doses. Can take additional doses of COVID-19 vaccines? What are the benefits?

In principle, you can, but in the light of current knowledge, you already have very good protection against severe coronavirus for a long period of time in this situation. Additional doses may also have a short-term benefit in preventing mild disease or infectivity, but the benefits will disappear in the coming months.

Repeated booster doses are currently not recommended for people who do not belong to any high-risk group, and no additional repeated doses will be given in Mehiläinen.

How can I prepare for vaccination?
  • For COVID-19 vaccination, you will need a COVID-19 vaccination certificate for previously given COVID-19 vaccinations. You can print or download the COVID-19 vaccination certificate by logging in to the service, in Finnish, (Terveystiedot > Rokotukset).
  • Clothing: wear a short-sleeve shirt for easy administration of the vaccine into the upper arm.
  • After vaccination, please stay in the waiting room for at least 15 minutes so that we can help you if you have any reactions to the vaccine.
  • You may experience local symptoms at the injection site such as soreness, redness, feeling hot and swelling as a side effect of the vaccination.
  • Other common general symptoms associated with the vaccination include fever, muscle ache, headache, fatigue, irritability and chills, which will subside relatively quickly. Local swelling of the lymph nodes may also occur. These typical symptoms are more common after the second dose of the vaccine. Local and general symptoms usually appear within a couple of days of vaccination. They will subside in a few hours or days. They can be treated with fever and pain medication, primarily paracetamol in accordance with the symptom.
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