Asiantuntijat-osion otsikko

A dental implant, i.e. an artificial tooth root, is often a good option when you are missing a tooth. The finished result requires a few visits to the dentist. The result is a natural-looking tooth that complements your bite and makes the line of your teeth look beautiful.

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  • A dental implant permanently replaces a missing tooth in your dental structure.
  • You’ll get an implant with a perfect fit and appearance – thanks to the collaboration between our oral surgeons and prosthodontists and the latest 3D technology we use.
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Frequently asked questions about dental implants

It’s a good idea to have a missing tooth replaced if don’t like the look of the hole or it is affecting your bite.

Molars are particularly important for your bite. If you are missing a molar, its opposite tooth also cannot do anything – this means that, in a way, two teeth are missing from the bite.

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When should you get a dental implant?
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When should you get a dental implant?

It is important that your dental implant fits perfectly in your mouth, works properly and feels like your own tooth.

This is why dental implants are carefully made and fitted step by step:

  1. During the planning appointments, your dentist will examine your teeth and occlusion. X-rays of your jaws and, if necessary, a cone-beam CT scan will be taken for the purpose of making a treatment plan.
  2. Treatment of oral issues. Before the implant is placed, the required basic dental and gum treatment will be carried out. 
  3. Bone grafting of the jawbone and soft tissue reshaping may be necessary before implant placement. Sometimes, the modifications are done in several stages.
  4. The implant, i.e. artificial tooth root, is placed into the jawbone during surgery. You will, of course, be given an effective anaesthetic, so you will feel no pain. At best, the surgery itself takes just 15 minutes.
  5. Post-operative care appointment. When the implant screw is fitted, you will be given an appointment to have the stitches removed. During the post-operative care appointment, the dentist will also check that the initial healing has taken place as expected and go over the cleaning instructions with you.
  6. Impression. It usually takes about three months for the implant screw to bond to the jawbone. After that, your dentist will make an impression of your mouth. The 3D scanner gives the best possible impression of the area to be repaired.
  7. Making the crown. Using a digital model, a dental technician will make a personalised, perfectly fitting crown for you.
  8. Attaching the crown. The dentist attaches the crown to the implant screw. Your perfectly functioning and natural-looking dental implant is ready!
  9. The follow-up appointment takes place about a year after the implant is completed. It is important to continue to have regular dental check-ups – your dentist will advise you on the most suitable interval for you. The implant should be checked during your dental check-up.
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The steps of fitting a dental implant – how it’s done
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The steps of fitting a dental implant

During your first planning appointment, your dentist will give you clear instructions on how to prepare for the implant screw being placed in your jawbone.

Usually an hour before the procedure, you will take an antibiotic prescribed by your doctor at home to prevent the risk of infection. You should also take a painkiller to ensure that the pain relief works when the anaesthetic wears off after the procedure.

If your implant surgery is done under general anaesthesia, your anaesthesiologist will contact you well in advance of the procedure. They will give you instructions on how to prepare.

Are you nervous about seeing a dentist? It’s very common and perfectly normal. At Mehiläinen, we are committed to identifying and treating dental fear, because we want to create a good experience for you. Come to us as you are.

The expert for the article was our dental specialist and oral and maxillofacial surgeon Kimmo Vähätalo.

CTA-painikkeen tyyli
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Dental implant – preparing for the placement
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Placing a dental implant

The price of dental implant treatment is affected by the number of appointments and procedures. The cost is spread over several months, depending on the timing of the procedures.

You will get a price estimate for your individual treatment during the planning appointment, so there will be no surprises along the way.

Dental implants should always be placed by an experienced dentist using the latest equipment and materials. An affordable dental implant is one that lasts as long as possible.

The flexible payment options of Hammas Mehiläinen will support you when dental implant treatment is necessary.

CTA-painikkeen tyyli
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Dental implant – the price is paid step by step
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Dental implant – price
Sivukohtainen UKK
For whom are dental implants suitable?

Dental implants are suitable for most people, but it is important that you take care of your mouth after having a dental implant. In addition to brushing your teeth, you should also clean the spaces between your teeth.

A dental implant can only be placed in a healthy mouth. Tooth decay, gingivitis or periodontitis must be treated before starting dental implant treatment.

How long does a dental implant last?

A dental implant is intended to last a lifetime. With good oral hygiene, you can make that a reality. Sometimes, after many years, the implant crown itself may require minor repairs and maintenance.  The porcelain may crack. Sometimes, a loose implant crown may need to be tightened.

Dental implants – public or private dentist?

Dental implants are rarely done in public dental care. You can always ask your local dental clinic about the possibility of having a dental implant done at a public dental clinic.

For dental implants that require several appointments and procedures, the price is lower in the public sector than in the private sector. In the case of a private dental implant treatment, Kela reimbursement may be paid for the surgical phase of treatment.

Come and visit us at Hammas Mehiläinen and we will give you a price estimate for your dental implant treatment. Our flexible payment options will assist you.

Learn more about our payment methods

What does a dental implant look like?

A high-quality dental implant looks just like a real tooth. The first-class materials used by Hammas Mehiläinen guarantee a beautiful end result.

How does a dental implant feel?

A properly fitted dental implant works like a real tooth. It shouldn’t feel any different to a real tooth.

What is the recovery after dental implant screw placement like?

Recovery depends on the individual and on the extent of the procedure. In general, recovery is quick.

Painkillers are effective in relieving the pain felt in the treated area. A few days after the procedure, you will be able to eat, exercise and use the sauna as usual.

Dental implant - complications?

Complications are very rare. Contact your dentist if you have any problems with your recovery, the pain is unbearable or you have a fever.

The ossification rate of implants is close to 100%.

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A dental implant replaces a missing tooth
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A dental implant can be used to replace a missing tooth or a tooth to be removed. For whom are dental implants suitable? Learn more and book an appointment

Hinnasto-osion otsikko
Price list and payment
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Palvelut-osion otsikko
Dental check-up

During the dental check-up, your dentist will check your teeth and bite. X-rays of your jaws and, if necessary, a cone-beam CT scan will be taken for the purpose of making a treatment plan.

Dental check-up for patients with dental fear

During a dental check-up for patients with dental fear, you can face your fears safely and at your own pace with a dentist experienced in treating patients with dental fear.

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Dental implants in a nutshell
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A dental implant is an artificial tooth that can replace a missing tooth or a tooth that must be removed.
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A dental implant, i.e. an artificial tooth root, requires a few visits to the dentist
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