Mehiläinen Health Care Agreement is a service for your health and well-being. The Health Care Agreement helps you set up a regular routine of taking care of your health and well-being

Medical services at a fixed monthly fee

Mehiläinen Health Care Agreement is a service for your health and well-being. The Health Care Agreement helps you set up a regular routine of taking care of your health and well-being.

We will take care of your health and help you stay fit and active!


Personal health coach
Variety of services Examinations, tests vaccinations and discounts
An annual health examination performed by the health coach Including the related laboratory tests
The health coach will assist and guide you Taking care of yourself, enjoying your daily routine, and living a balanced and healthy life
General practitioner visits and telephone consultations The most common minor procedures and consultations performed in the clinic.
Driver's medical certificate General practitioner's medical certificate for driving license.
Usual laboratory tests and other basic examinations requested by the general practitioner
General practitioner appointments at Digital Clinic 24/7
Renewals of prescriptions with the OmaMehiläinen mobile application
A vision test performed by an optician at Synsam stores
Intraocular pressure measurement at Synsam stores
Price of the Health Care Agreement EUR 79 per month

In addition to the monthly fee, all general practitioner appointments are subject to the current rate of the outpatient fee. No discounts can be applied to the outpatient fee. We reserve the right to make changes to these prices in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

See the price list

Health Care Agreement available at Mehiläinen medical clinics

Health Care Agreement health coaches are available at a selection of medical clinics. You can see the selection of medical clinics available when you make your agreement. Within the framework of their agreement, Health Care Agreement customers can visit Mehiläinen’s medical clinics anywhere around Finland.

Benefits for Health Care Agreement customers

The monthly fee of the Health Care Agreement includes examinations and tests requested by your general practitioner and health coach. Examinations and tests requested by specialists are not included in the agreement but are subject to customer benefits. The benefits do not apply to oral and dental care services.

Laboratory tests -20 % *
Operations -10 %
Magnetic resonance imaging scans -20 %
X-ray examinations -20 %
Computed tomography scans -10 %
Ultrasound scans -20 % **​

* The laboratory test benefits do not apply to pathological analyses or clinical neurophysiology examinations (including ECG and ENMG examinations, spirometry and polysomnography).
** The ultrasound examination benefits do not apply to scans performed at an appointment, such as gynaecological ultrasound scans or ultrasound scans of the heart performed by a cardiologist.

Oral and dental care benefit

Health Care Agreement customers are offered a panoramic dental X-ray at a price of EUR 63 (normal price EUR 109). Activating the benefit requires presenting a referral from a dentist and your Kela card.

Book an appointment with a dentist at tai numerosta 010 273 8000. Please provide the campaign code when making the appointment. Learn more about dental radiography.

More information about the Health Care Agreement
You can buy the Health Care Agreement as a gift for someone close to you. Companies can also purchase this service as a gift for their employees. Read more here.
Once you have concluded the Health Care Agreement, we will call you and make an appointment with the health coach. The agreement becomes valid immediately or at a date specified by you. Read the terms and conditions and further information here.
The agreement expires at the end of the current invoicing period. Read further instructions here.
Ask us about the Health Care Agreement

Call the Health Care Agreement service line 010 414 0215 Mon–Fri between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.or leave a call request. We will reply to your request on business days between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Frequently asked questions about Health Care Agreement can be found here.

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