Mehiläinen wound care clinic

You can find wound care clinics in Helsinki at Mehiläinen Bulevardi and Mehiläinen Töölö. The wound care clinic treats various wounds using conservative and, if necessary, surgical means. Wound care is always planned individually from start to finish.

How to book an appointment for wound care

You can come in for wound care with or without a doctor’s referral.

You can book an appointment online or by calling our customer service at 010 414 00.

Book an appointment with a wound care nurse

More information about the locations and their opening hours:

Wounds treated at the wound care clinic:

  • surgical wounds
  • outpatient trauma and frostbite wounds
  • burns
  • chronic wounds (e.g. diabetes wounds, venous and arterial wounds)

Home visits by a wound care nurse are also possible, and care visits are always planned separately with the wound care nurse.

Mehiläinen’s wound care team

Wound care clinics operate in connection with medical clinics. The wound care nurses of the wound care team are nurses specialised in wound care, and the wound care team’s wound care results have been good for years.

Consultations with general practitioners and specialists, which support the wound care team, enable the early and effective planning of care that combines procedures and local treatment. Wound care uses the latest and most effective wound care methods in, for example, the treatment of leg wounds.

Mehiläinen Bulevardi’s wound care team

Mehiläinen Bulevardi’s wound care team treats surgical and plastic surgery wounds, accident wounds as well as acute and chronic wounds, and also leg wounds. Bulevardi’s wound care team consults general practitioners or specialists, if necessary. The wound care team cooperates with the vascular surgeon in accordance with the latest care guidelines. 

The experts of Bulevardi’s wound care team:

Henna Kytölehto, Internal Medicine and Surgical Nurse
Hellevi Jäntti, Nurse (Bachelor of Health Care)

Book an appointment with a wound care nurse

Learn more about the wound care team’s specialists as well:

Anders Albäck, Docent, Vascular Surgeon

Book an appointment

Stephan Dietz, Plastic Surgery and Surgery Specialist

Book an appointment

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At a Mehiläinen wound care clinic, wound care is always planned on a case-by-case basis.
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