Magneettikuvaus Mehiläinen

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides accurate and detailed information about the subject. Common reasons for taking an MRI include joint symptoms or injuries, neurological symptoms, back problems, and accidents. 

Booking an MRI 

1. Referral from your doctor

You will need to have a referral from your doctor for an MRI scan, which is necessary to ensure the right type of examination. The referral contains important information from the point of view of research, with which the research can be targeted individually, it facilitates treatment decisions, and with the help of the referral, we are also able to avoid unnecessary repeat imaging.

For a referral, you can book an appointment with a doctor via online appointment booking or by calling customer service on 010 414 00.

2. Booking

For the most common MRI scans, you can make an appointment online. The following examinations can be booked online: 

You can book an appointment for an MRI at a Mehiläinen via our online booking system or by calling our customer service at +358 (0)10 414 00 (EUR 0.084/min) (open 24/7). When you book your appointment, you will receive information about any pre-treatment. 


Did you know that Mehiläinen also has full-service MRI trucks in use? 

How to prepare for an MRI scan 

  • You can take your medicines as usual before the MRI. Avoid using a medication patch. 
  • It is a good idea to remove the blood glucose sensor before entering the examination room. 
  • Avoid wearing heavy make-up during a head MRI scan. 
  • Avoid wearing strong perfumes when visiting our clinics. 
  • Before an upper abdomen scan, you should not eat or drink for 3 hours before the examination time. However, you may drink a little water, for example, when taking medication. 

Arrival for the MRI 

  1. Please arrive approximately 15 minutes before the scheduled time for the MRI. 
  2. Remove any jewellery and piercings before the examination. 
  3. Fill in the patient information form available at the clinic. 
  4. The radiological nurse will go through the patient information form and the examination procedure with you before the MRI. 

When to have an MRI? 

Magnetic resonance imaging is a well-established imaging technique that uses a magnetic field, radio waves and the movement of water and hydrogen nuclei in the human body. 

Magnetic resonance imaging scans are used to: 

  • examination of musculoskeletal disorders and injuries 
  • head and neck examinations 
  • abdominal examinations 
  • breast examination  
  • examination for cardiovascular diseases. 

Obstacles to having a magnetic resonance imaging scan 

An MRI may not be possible if you have: 

  • a cardiac pacemaker 
  • an electrical implant, e.g. an ear implant 
  • a metallic foreign body object, e.g. a metal chip in the eye. 

The cost of an MRI scan 

You can see the prices for imaging examinations in a separate price list. If you need more information, please contact our customer service (see booking an MRI scan). 



How is an MRI scan performed? 

The examination is safe and painless and no radiation is used. The examination takes approximately 20-45 minutes. 

  • During an MRI scan, the patient lies in the imaging position and should not move during the scan. 
  • During the scan, the machine makes loud noises. To protect hearing, headphones are provided, which can also be used to listen to music. 
  • Precise images of the subject are taken in two or three directions. 
  • Examination coils are used to receive image signals and are placed right above the area to be scanned. 

Results of magnetic resonance imaging 

Based on the preliminary information provided by the referring doctor in the request for an examination, the imaging findings and a comparison of any old images, the radiology specialist issues a written report on the examination, which is immediately available to the treating doctor at the clinic. 

The images and opinions of the imaging examinations are also displayed in the OmaMehiläinen service as soon as the treating doctor acknowledges the answers or at the latest 3(-14) days after the examination.



Frequently asked questions about magnetic resonance imaging
How is an MRI scan performed?

An MRI scan uses a strong magnetic field to form an image of the body's tissues. 

  • In an MRI scan, you lie still in a tubular imaging device. 
  • A coil is placed over the area to be imaged to form the image. 
  • The scan usually takes about 20-45 minutes. The time may vary depending on the object to be imaged. 
  • If necessary, a contrast agent can also be used. 
What does an MRI scan feel like?

MRI is a painless examination where the customer simply has to lie still for the duration of the scan. 

The MRI machine makes a variety of sounds, but the customer wears headphones during the examination to muffle the sound from the machine. Headphones can be used to listen to music/the radio. 

What parts of the body imaged by the MRI?

The most common targets for MRI are joints - especially the knee, ankle and shoulder - and spinal imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging of the head is also common. Modern MRI equipment can also be used to perform MRI scans of the prostate and breast areas, for example. 

How does an MRI differ from an X-ray?

MRI does not use any X-rays, so the patient is not exposed to ionising radiation. The technology of the imaging equipment is completely different. MRI gives a much more accurate image than X-rays, especially of soft tissues. 

What are the benefits of MRI?

In many cases, an MRI scan can show the cause of a symptom or condition that needs to be clarified or provide information for the follow-up of an already established injury or disease. For example, in the case of an accident, imaging may be needed to support the diagnosis. 

Is the MRI machine cramped? What if I panic?

There's no need to be nervous about an MRI scan beforehand. The body part to be imaged is concentrated in the tube, so in an image of the ankle or knee, for example, claustrophobia is rarely a problem because your head is not inside the tube. 

The new 3T magnets used in Mehiläinen have a larger imaging aperture than traditional devices, which reduces the feeling of a tight space. The MRI machine is easy to try out before the actual imaging and it is also possible to treat claustrophobia with medication to make the imaging a success. 

The customer has a button in their hand at all times during the scan, which can be pressed for immediate assistance and contact with the nurse performing the scan. This means that the imaging can be interrupted at any time. 

In which situations should MRI be avoided?

Pacemakers, some intra-body implants and foreign bodies are also often an obstacle to taking an MRI scan. These will all be clarified in the questionnaire before the actual scan. 

Why should you come to Mehiläinen for an MRI scan?

Mehiläinen's high-quality MRI equipment and professional staff ensure that every client receives high-quality care on an individual basis. Mehiläinen's experienced radiology specialists interpret the MRI images and give their opinion.  

How can I get an MRI scan at Mehiläinen?

You can book an appointment for a Mehiläinen MRI scan directly at the clinic, via our online service, or by calling the customer service at +358 (0)10 414 0300 (EUR 0.0835 per call + EUR 0.1669 per minute). A doctor's referral is required for an MRI. 

Why do prices for MRIs vary between operators?

Magnetic resonance imaging can be done quickly and screening-like, with a limited number of sets and images, or it can be done more comprehensively and thoroughly, tailored to the customer's individual situation. More comprehensive diagnostic imaging is often more expensive as it takes more time. Professional staff and an experienced radiology specialist who interprets and pronounces the examination images are also very important in terms of quality. The quality of the equipment also affects the price of the MRI scan. 

At Mehiläinen, we combine technically advanced imaging equipment, professional staff and experienced specialists - for the benefit of our customers. 



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