Instructions for customers arriving for an appointment

Despite the prevailing coronavirus situation, it is very important to take care of oral health. Oral and dental health affects your overall health in many different ways and untreated inflammation can exacerbate the symptoms of coronavirus infections1.

Hammas Mehiläinen is open and we are actively monitoring the regulations and guidelines issued by the authorities to prevent the spread of the coronavirus2.

Book an appointment for dental care

Coronavirus-related guidelines for the Hammas Mehiläinen appointments

Arriving and registration for appointments

  • When arriving for your appointment, please arrive in good time, but not too early so that you don’t spend too much time in the waiting room.
  • Register for your appointment, preferably via the OmaMehiläinen app if you are using it. You can also use a self-registration kiosk.
  • We do not shake hands. We all practise good hand hygiene by washing our hands regularly and thoroughly.
  • Please maintain a safe distance from other customers in the waiting room.

If you are over 70 years of age or belong to a risk group, you are very welcome to come for dental treatment, but please make sure that you keep a safe distance from others when you come to the clinic. Our staff will wear face masks throughout your visit.

Postponing your appointment

  • Please reschedule your appointment for a later date if:
  • You have symptoms of a mild respiratory infection – such as a runny nose, a cough, a sore throat, body aches or a fever, or unexplained bowel symptoms such as nausea or diarrhoea
  • You travelled abroad during the past 14 days
  • You have been exposed to a patient or suspected patient with the coronavirus infection during the past 14 days
  • We are not charging cancellation fees during this exceptional time

If you are unable to arrive for your appointment, please remember that you can consult our oral health professionals in the dental and oral health channel in OmaMehiläinen Digital Clinic.


  • We have increased the number of hand sanitizer dispensers at our clinics. We have also made more sterile disposable tissues available to our customers.
  • In order to maintain good hygiene, we have removed all unnecessary items from the waiting rooms, including children’s toys and magazines.
  • We take care of our patients in such a way as to minimize the possible spread of coronavirus in the treatment rooms. Before the procedure, our customers rinse their mouth with a solution that is effective against coronaviruses.
  • We apply special arrangements at the clinics to separate patients suffering from a respiratory infection from other customers. Please follow the instructions/signs at each clinic.
  • Hygiene in consulting rooms is ensured at all times.


We only come to work if we are perfectly healthy. In addition, we have started coronavirus testing for social welfare and health care employees.

All of our members of staff are up to date with the latest instructions relating to the coronavirus pandemic.


We do not currently accept cash. Cash was abandoned as a payment method at Mehiläinen from 13 March 2020.

Digital Clinic offers help in various oral health issues and symptoms.

  • Open every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Quick help and guidance without the need to book an appointment
  • €39.90/discussion

Oral health experts will help you at the Digital Clinic.

You can access the Digital Clinic by downloading the free OmaMehiläinen app to your smartphone or logging in to the OmaMehiläinen web service.

Learn more about the oral health Digital Clinic

Learn more:

Digital Clinic offers help with various oral health issues and symptoms

We will help, provide care and support you even in these exceptional times (Blog text in Finnish)


1 Yleisellä suussa piilevällä tulehduksella voi olla yhteys vakavaan koronavirustautiin,, 26.2.2021.

2 Suun ja hampaiden hoitoon on turvallista mennä myös koronaepidemian aikana,, 26.2.2021.

TULOSSA: Hinnasto