Sometimes an appointment results in the need to leave a call request. You can book a call request for the specialist who treated you, including a physician, nurse or another health care professional.

Booking a call request

You can book a call request:

You can book a call request for the professional who treated you by using the OmaMehiläinen application or Mehiläinen’s online booking up to 60 days after your appointment.

Your call request can concern the following, for example:

  • the results of an examination or laboratory test
  • a situation where the symptoms are not alleviated despite treatment
  • a situation where you have questions concerning the treatment or long-term medication.

Please note that if you wish to book an appointment, you should book an appointment onlinein OmaMehiläinen or call the Mehiläinen customer service (+358 10 414 00). The call request for a specialist is not intended for booking a new appointment.

Call request – When will you receive the call?

You can book a phone appointment for a day of your choice. Our specialist will call you during 8–20 on the day you have chosen. The call will come from an unknown number.

Does the call cost me anything?

Doctors most often charge for all calls as self-employed. The price depends on the fee determined by the doctor him- or herself.

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