Can I register for the OmaMehiläinen service even if I have not previously visited Mehiläinen?

Yes, you can. Anyone can log in to the service by using his or her personal online banking credentials. However, the visit and event history can only be found for those who have established a relationship with Mehiläinen already.

I tried to log in by using my online banking credentials, but the login was not successful. What should I do?

If you are having problems with your online banking credentials, we recommend that you contact your bank.

I authenticated myself with my online banking credentials, but now I am stuck in the registration phase. What should I do?

Make sure that all mandatory fields have been filled in and that you have accepted the service’s terms of use. Implementation of the service requires that all obligatory data have been entered and that the terms of use have been accepted.

My spouse and I have joint online banking credentials. Can I use them to register for the OmaMehiläinen service?

Always register and log in to the OmaMehiläinen service by using your personal online banking credentials. The online banking credentials are always personal and in the name of one person, even if you have a joint bank account. Only the person in whose name the online banking credentials are can register for the OmaMehiläinen service and log in to it. If the online banking credentials are in your spouse’s name, you need to acquire your own online banking credentials in order to register for OmaMehiläinen.

Who can see my health and patient data in OmaMehiläinen?

Only you can view your information in the Mehiläinen patient-data system via the OmaMehiläinen service; you need only register for OmaMehiläinen first. Only by adding a person to your family profile and separately granting him or her rights to view and manage your health information is anyone else able to view your data in OmaMehiläinen. In addition, the ‘Data security settings’ options in OmaMehiläinen enable you to allow the experts participating in your care to view the entries you have made yourself in the OmaMehiläinen service (such as vaccinations, free-text entries, weight-management details, and blood pressure data).

 I do not wish to receive reminders by e-mail or SMS on issues appearing in my OmaMehiläinen checklist. How can I prevent this?

You can manage your message settings via the OmaMehiläinen profile options. By prohibiting service messages, you will no longer receive e-mail and SMS reminders of upcoming appointments, examination results, open referrals, expiring prescriptions, or changes in the OmaMehiläinen family profile.

Can those treating me at Mehiläinen see vaccination data that I have entered in the service myself?

The Mehiläinen experts participating in your care can view the data you have entered yourself in the OmaMehiläinen service (such as vaccinations, free-text entries, weight-management details, and blood pressure data) – but only if you allow this separately under ‘Data security settings’ in OmaMehiläinen. Please note that, regardless of permission, nobody can view your information and suggest treatment options unless this has been separately agreed upon during an appointment.

My spouse sent an invitation to be connected to his or her OmaMehiläinen family profile. What information on me can my spouse view if I accept the invitation?

If you accept the invitation, your spouse will only be able to view your name. If you separately allow your spouse access for viewing and managing your health information in the family-profile options, he or she will be able to view all your data in OmaMehiläinen as you yourself can and will also be able to make appointments for you online. We recommend that you consider with care whom you allow to access and manage your health information through OmaMehiläinen.

Why can the data for a child under 12 years of age be automatically viewed in OmaMehiläinen by his or her guardian?

It is in a child’s best interests for his or her legal guardian to be able to register in the service and use the OmaMehiläinen service on the child’s behalf. However, it is important to remember that any information related to a child is confidential, and even the guardian has no general right to access the information of a child under 12 years. It is the guardian’s duty to see that the use of OmaMehiläinen is always in the best interests of the child.

The Act on the Status and Rights of Patients (17.8.1992/785), in its Section 9, states: ‘If a minor patient because of his/her age or level of development can decide on the treatment given to him/her, he/she has a right to forbid providing his/her guardian or other legal representative with information on his state of health and care.” Furthermore, Section 7 states: ‘The opinion of a minor patient on a treatment measure has to be assessed if it is possible with regard to his/her age or level of development. If a minor patient owing to his/her age and level of development can decide on the treatment given to him/her, he/she has to be cared in mutual understanding with him/her.” This means that a child has the option of asking the physician treating him or her to prohibit the guardian from being able to view his or her patient data in OmaMehiläinen; the physician will record the prohibition upon consideration of the child’s age, his or her level of development, and the issue involved.

If a parent’s guardianship of a child ends, the parent is obliged to inform Mehiläinen of this, after which the child’s data can no longer be viewed by the parent. Mehiläinen also has the right to verify the validity of the guardianship by using automatic checks with the Population Register Centre and, if necessary, prevent the child’s data from being viewed by anyone other than the legal guardian. For further details, please refer to Section 5 of the terms of use for the OmaMehiläinen service: ‘Registration and service use of a minor’.

My child just turned 12 years old, and I can no longer see his or her patient data in OmaMehiläinen. Why is this, and how can I view the data again?

According to the Act on the Status and Rights of Patients (17.8.1992/785), Section 9, ‘If a minor patient because of his/her age or level of development can decide on the treatment given to him/her, he/she has a right to forbid providing his/her guardian or other legal representative with information on his state of health and care.” The reasons set forth in the act state that a child over 12 years of age can practically always be considered mature enough to have an opinion on his or her treatment. On this basis, when the child turns 12, his or her health-information view in the OmaMehiläinen service is closed to the guardian(s) automatically. If a child aged 12 or older wishes his or her guardian(s) to be able to view his or her information, the child needs to give separate consent to the guardian(s) viewing the information in Mehiläinen’s patient-data system and the information the child has entered him- or herself in OmaMehiläinen. A child who has turned 12 years old can give this consent by signing the appropriate document at a Mehiläinen clinic and thus allow the legal guardian access for to view and handle his or her health information. Both the child and the guardian must be present then and prove their identities. If needed, the consent is to be given separately for each guardian. Consent given when a child is 12 to 14 years of age is valid until the child turns 15, after which the child can renew his or her consent in the above-mentioned manner or by logging in to the service by means of his or her online banking credentials and thus allow the legal guardian(s) access for to view and handle his or her health information. The consent will then be valid until the child turns 18, at which time he or she will be removed from the family profile of the guardian(s) in all cases. The patient record texts of 12 to 17-year-old children will however not be shown to the child him/herself or his/her family profile, if the doctor has not allowed it separately. It is possible to revoke consent at any time by signing a document at the clinic or by using one’s online banking credentials to make the change in the online service. However, a child’s OmaMehiläinen profile and personally entered information entries remain in the profile even if he or she is no longer connected to the guardian’s family profile. This means that the child can view and handle his or her own OmaMehiläinen data by logging in to the service by means of his or her online banking credentials. It is worth noting that a child can grant permission to view and handle information only to a legal guardian, whilst an adult can grant access to whomever he or she chooses. More details can be found in Section 5 of the terms of use of the OmaMehiläinen service: ‘Registration and service use of a minor’.

I am a minor, and I used my own online banking credentials for registering with the OmaMehiläinen service. Why can’t I add people to my family profile?

Only OmaMehiläinen users who have turned 18 can add people to the family profile. A minor can only be connected to a legal guardian’s family profile, and manage the visibility of his or her information to the guardian(s).

I wish to cease using the OmaMehiläinen service and terminate my service agreement. How should I proceed?

The OmaMehiläinen service agreement can be terminated at the reception desk of a Mehiläinen clinic by signing of a service-agreement termination form. Termination requires you to verify your identity.

If you have any problems, please contact