Physiotherapy jobs at Mehiläinen

At Mehiläinen, you can work in a variety of rehabilitation positions. Mehiläinen offers a wide range of interesting work opportunities for physiotherapists and occupational physiotherapists. In addition, Mehiläinen offers many kinds of practical training opportunities for physiotherapy students.

We offer you a truly meaningful job where you get to use your professional skills extensively. At Mehiläinen, we invest in employees’ occupational well-being and competence development. We create opportunities for competence development at work, in networks and through education and coaching.

Mehiläinen’s professionals are on a lifelong mission. If you feel the same way, come and work with us.

Join Mehiläinen as a physiotherapist

Mehiläinen has a wide range of job opportunities for physiotherapists, including at medical clinics, Fysios Mehiläinen, Mehiläinen Tutoris and in residential and care services. At Mehiläinen, you can work either as a private practitioner or in an employment relationship.

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Join Mehiläinen as an occupational physiotherapist

As an occupational physiotherapist at Mehiläinen, you will be able to engage in multi-professional collaboration as part of an occupational health team. As an occupational physiotherapist, you can also work with digital healthcare services.

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Join Fysios Mehiläinen as a physiotherapist or a massage therapist

Join Fysios Mehiläinen’s highly competent team in a growing and developing organisation. Fysios Mehiläinen employs more than 1,000 therapeutic professionals in various rehabilitation roles. We also have our own educational community, the Fysios Mehiläinen Academy, which offers hundreds of topical continuing education courses each year, led by professionals in the field.

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Join Mehiläinen Tutoris as a physiotherapist

The physiotherapists of Mehiläinen Tutoris work in Tampere, Raisio, Naantali, Oulu, Kemi and Rovaniemi and provide intensive medical rehabilitation services to people of all ages and also offer physiotherapy to treat musculoskeletal disorders. As a physiotherapist at Mehiläinen Tutoris, you carry out community rehabilitation in our customers’ everyday environments, such as day care centres, schools, homes and our clinics. With us, you can tailor your job description and career according to your experience and interests and develop your expertise through training.

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Are you interested in a career as a physiotherapist at Mehiläinen?

Please leave your contact information, and we will be in touch.

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Uratarina karuselli


Occupational Physiotherapist
Fysios Mehiläinen
Mehiläinen Tutoris
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