Opening hours for time booking
Our phone service is open every day around the clock.

<p>Felicitas Mehiläinen is a private clinic specialized in fertility treatments with branches in Helsinki, Lappeenranta, Turku and Oulu. In Helsinki we have been since 1990. Our operations expanded to Lappeenranta in 1999. We became a part of Mehiläinen in 2011, and in 2017, through our merger with Väestöliiton lapsettomuusklinikat, we expanded to Turku and Oulu. </p><p> In addition to fertility examinations and treatments, Felicitas Mehiläinen offers prenatal follow-up services: perinatologists services and a private maternity clinic, therapy services, and gynecologists, andrologists, geneticists and nutritionists receptions.</p><p><em>For you</em></p><p> In Felicitas Mehiläinen you are received by the friendly and professional staff. You always get to see your personal specialist, and we plan every treatment according to your needs. During the treatment process you can also seek support from our couple and family therapists.</p><p><em>Best quality care</em></p><p> We offer our clients good, high-quality care. We have the latest knowledge and newest methods in fertility research, and we develop our expertise continually through education, taking part in branches conferences and doing research. .</p>

Arrival instructions

<p><strong><strong><strong>Location</strong></strong></strong></p><p> Our premises are located in the center of Helsinki, in shopping center Forum.</p><p> Entrance from Mannerheimintie 20 a staircase, take the elevator to the 5th floor. </p><p>You can also get to Mehiläinen Forum directly from the 3rd floor as well as from the glass corner of the shopping center.</p><p><strong>Means of transportation</strong></p><p> The Kamppi bus and underground stations, as well as the Helsinki Central Railway Station, are next to the clinic. Also tram stations are nearby. If you are traveling by car, we recommend that you park your car to i.e. the parking hall of Forum.</p>

Mannerheimintie 20 a
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