<p>From us you can find:</p>
<li>receptions of 100 doctors and other health professionals</li>
<li>services of the pediatric medical center</li>
<li>services of the sports clinic, heart clinic and diabetes clinic</li>
<li>physiotherapy services</li>
<li>occupational health services</li>
<li>the hospitals day and short surgical procedures</li>
<li>services of the procedural unit</li>
<li>laboratory and imaging services</li>
<p>The specializations of the hospital are otolaryngology, hand surgery, pediatric surgery, orthopedy, plastic surgery, urology, abdominal surgery, vascular surgery and general surgery.</p>
<p>The process to the procedure starts by booking an appointment to the specialized doctor’s reception. The time of the surgery is agreed on the base of the patient’s and doctor’s wishes.</p>
<p>Mehiläinen Lahti is located on the opposite of Erkinpuisto, in the same block as the Concert Hall and Dila. The address of the medical center and occupational health center Sibeliuksenkatu 6 C.</p>
<p><strong>Sibeliuksenkatu 6 C Medical Center</strong></p>
<p><strong>1st floor </strong>Receptions</p>
<p><strong>2nd floor </strong>Receptions</p>
<p><strong>3rd floor </strong>(Hospital), receptions</p>
<p><strong>4th floor </strong>Occupational Health</p>
<p><strong>5th floor </strong>Occupational Health</p>