Potilasturvallisuus ja hoidon laatu

Medical skills and experience lie at the core of our physicians' expertise.

Our physicians have the latest diagnostic health care technology at their disposal and skilled care personnel to provide them with necessary support. Evidence-based medical science forms the basis for all our medical operations. To achieve this, we constantly monitor the latest developments in medical science, provide our personnel and physicians with appropriate training, and utilize new, evidence-based patient care practices and methods in our operations. Our physicians stay on the cutting edge of medical science by participating in various congresses both in Finland and abroad as well attending the training sessions offered by Mehiläinen.  

Our physicians have at their disposal a wide range of medical databases, electronic Current Care guidelines, and access to electronic versions of numerous international medical journals. They also have access to various drug interaction databases to prevent the prescription of incompatible medication.

Mehiläinen is constantly looking for ways to improve patient safety. Hygiene work and the prevention of hospital infections have for years been our key areas of development in all units. This development work is carried out under the supervision of the Infection Control Nurse and the Infectiologist. The number of hospital infections in Mehiläinen is on a par with both Finnish and international standards, even when assessed critically.

We want to invest heavily in medication safety and as a result, several development projects are underway. All our units have drawn up a pharmacotherapy plan, which defines the operating procedures in patient care involving the use of medication. It also regulates the training requirements for personnel involved in administering medication, intravenous treatment and inoculations.

The various operating processes in use in Mehiläinen have been thoroughly analyzed for maximum patient safety and equipment safety is constantly monitored in accordance with authorities' and manufacturers' instructions. Mehiläinen has a well-functioning system in place to report possible cases of patient injury and 'close shave' situations, which are thoroughly analyzed to improve patient safety even further. A Patient Ombudsman is present in all Mehiläinen units to guide and advise patients in case of possible patient injury. If there is reason to believe that patient injury has been caused, the Patient Ombudsman will assist the patient in submitting a Patient Insurance Centre claim.

It was a group of physicians who founded Mehiläinen in 1909. The patient-doctor relationship is still at the core of our services. Medical expertise is also part our management system and is present at all levels of management. In outpatient clinics, hospitals, occupational health care units, and various sectors, a chief medical officer always works in close co-operation with the unit manager. In major specialized fields, development work is coordinated by the field's chief medical officer. The purpose of this medical organization is to integrate a medical approach into day-to-day management and development work. Medical expertise is also strongly represented in the Mehiläinen Group Management Team and Board of Directors.