Työterveyden uusi suunta -podcastsarja

The New Direction in Occupational Health series of the Mehiläisen Pisto podcast discusses changes in supervisory work, self-management and development of working life. The series offers you tips and concrete suggestions on how to take the actions supporting work ability and occupational well-being to a completely new level and what kind of results have been achieved through innovative actions. We want to address also difficult and challenging issues.



Minttu Viitanen: Exhaustion Doesn’t Strike Over Night

In the podcast Mehiläisen pisto, we discuss the topics of exhaustion and difficulties with coping, as occupational health psychologist Mikko Luukkainen is visited by Minttu Viitanen from Accenture. Exhaustion as a phenomenon is on the rise as portrayed by mental health statistics, number of sick leaves, and work ability of individuals and organisations.

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Minttu Viitanen

Self-direction does not mean that a company leaves its employees to fend for themselves

In this episode we discuss leadership and self-direction when Outi Sivonen, HR Director at Solita Oy, visits Andréa Alvarez-Tarjasalo, Director of Customer Relations and B2B Marketing at Mehiläinen.

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Outi Sivonen

Jukka Holm emphasizes the importance of the organisation’s support for managerial work

In this episode we discuss managerial work when Jukka Holm, CEO of Visma Enterprise, visits Maaret von Wright, the chief occupational health psychologist at Mehiläinen’s Working Life Services.

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Jukka Holm

Marko Rissanen wishes that workplace communities would speak about burnout more openly

In Mehiläisen Pisto podcast’s The New Direction of Occupational Health series, we discuss burnout when Marko Rissanen, DNA's Director of Human Resources, visits Antti Miettinen, Business Director of Mehiläinen's Working Life Services.

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marko rissanen

Mikko Nieminen knows from experience that a good manager takes into account the life situation of an employee

Maaret von Wright, head of occupational health psychologists at Mehiläinen Occupational Life Services is accompanied by the CEO of PwC Finland Mikko Nieminen in the Mehiläinen Pisto -podcast, where they discuss how the life situation of an employee affects the leadership required.

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Mikko Nieminen PwC

Noora Fagerström’s hectic life requires planned and systematic recovery

Mehiläinen’s Account management and B2B-marketing Director Andrea Alvarez-Tarjasalo is accompanied with the founder of Jungle Juice Bar and serial entrepreneur Noora Fagerström. They discuss how an entrepreneur manages to take care of her own and her staff’s well-being and coping.

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Noora Fagerström

Exceptional times require strong leadership and genuine interaction Increased demand for strong leadership culture and genuine interaction in exceptional times

Andréa Alvarez-Tarjasalo, Mehiläinen’s Account Management and B2B Marketing Director, will discuss the transformation of leadership and management and new practices in remote and in-person supervisory work with Sirpa Huuskonen, HR Director at Tokmanni and Tatu Tulokas, HR Director at Mehiläinen.

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Mehiläisen Pisto -podcast

Merja Ylä-Anttila’s tips for balancing the career and family life

Mehiläinen Working Life Services’ Director of Major Clients Andréa Alvarez-Tarjasalo discusses with Yle CEO Merja Ylä-Anttila about the management of day-to-day life, stress and reconciliation of work and family.

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Merja Ylä-Anttila

No work without a meaning

Framery’s Head of People and Culture Anni Hallilla visited the New trends in occupational healthcare series of the Mehiläisen Pisto podcast to discuss the meaningfulness of work and motivation with Mehiläinen Working Life Services’ Chief Occupational Psychologist Maaret von Wright.

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Työn merkitys podcast

The most important skill of a supervisor is knowledge of human nature

Chief Content Officer Karoliina Jarenko from Academy of Philosophy, i.e. Handy Mandy of future worklife, visits the New trends in occupational healthcare series of the Mehiläisen Pisto podcast to discuss with Mehiläinen Working Life Services’ Director of Major Clients Andréa Alvarez-Tarjasalo about the transformation of the working life and its impacts on the supervisor work.

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Mehiläisen Pisto -podcast