
When you are concerned about mental health of your own or people close to you, don't hesitate to seek help. Read more about Mehiläinen's mental health services!

When to seek help with mental health issues?

Each of us can face challenges related to coping. Temporary mental strain in a special and challenging life situation is quite common. If mental well-being is put to the test for a long time and mental health is subject to prolonged disturbance, it is important to identify the issue and seek professional help for it. Do not hesitate to ask for help if you are concerned about mental well-being and mental health. Mehiläinen’s over 250 mental health professionals are there for you. You are not alone.

If you need help in selecting a professional, you can also contact our customer service by phone at 010 414 00 (open 24/7) or send us a message in the chat service of our online booking system. You can also book a consultation appointment.


Pääasia -podcast

The Pääasia podcast discusses mental health

Mehiläinen’s psychotherapist Ville Merinen invites public figures to talk about mental health issues.


Mental health professionals

When you are worried about your own mental health or that of a loved one, our numerous mental health professionals are there for you. In any mental health issues, you can contact a mood coach, psychologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

Mood coach

Mood coaches help with worries and life management issues. Mood coaches are good chat partners when you need support with something that is troubling you.


Seek help from a psychologist when a discussion with an outsider could help deal with difficult feelings or life situations. The need for help may arise from sudden crises or prolonged problems.


A psychotherapist provides treatment based on discussion and functional methods, which aims to improve mental well-being. The goals are, among other things, to increase self-understanding, help handle and understand difficult feelings and change thinking and operating models.


A psychiatrist is a specialist who examines, diagnoses and treats mental health disorders.
The task of a psychiatrist is to conduct a medical examination of mental health. A psychiatrist can make a diagnosis, evaluate the need for medical treatment and prescribe the necessary medications.

Read more about mental health and mental well-being issues:

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