Mehiläinen’s first human rights policy has been approved by the Mehiläinen Group Oy Board on 11 December 2023. The human rights policy demonstrates the commitment of Mehiläinen’s Board and management to human rights, and guides all activities related to human rights in the company.

The human rights policy describes the principles, objectives and key procedures of Mehiläinen’s human rights work and applies to all persons working at Mehiläinen, including private practitioners and contractual subcontractors both in Finland and in country companies.

- Taking human rights issues into account in companies is becoming increasingly important in the field of corporate responsibility. For a long time, fundamental and human rights have been a self-evident and central part of social welfare and health care and thus the focus of Mehiläinen’s activities. I’m very pleased that we have now introduced the Group’s first separate human rights policy. It paves the way for a broader human rights assessment, which will be carried out in spring 2024, says Marina Lampinen, Director of Public Affairs and Corporate Responsibility at Mehiläinen.

The policy includes Mehiläinen’s human rights commitment, in which the company undertakes to respect all internationally recognised human rights and their implementation in its operations, and requires the same from its partners and subcontractors. Each member of the work community is responsible for acting in accordance with the principles of human rights and promoting equality and non-discrimination.

- In all our operations, we strive to ensure the fundamental rights of our employees, customers and stakeholders, regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic and cultural origin and religious or political affiliation, says Lampinen.

Mehiläinen is committed to ensuring a safe, fair and non-discriminatory working environment for its employees. For customers, the key human rights impacts are related to the services offered to them: everyone has the right to receive good treatment and care, as well as the right to be treated well. In addition to the human rights conventions, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are highlighted in social services.

- All our customers have the right to receive high-quality, appropriate and effective treatment without being placed in an unequal position based on, for example, age, health or disability, Lampinen says.

The Group’s Social Responsibility Steering Group monitors the Group’s human rights assessment and the implementation of the measures derived from it and prepares measures for the Group as a whole. Issues related to human rights are reported as part of the Group’s annual responsibility reporting.

In addition to the human rights policy, Mehiläinen’s quality policy, HR policy and Code of Conduct also guide the consideration of human rights in Mehiläinen’s operations.

Mehiläinen respects international law

In its operations, Mehiläinen complies with national laws and regulations and respects international law, such as the following declarations and conventions:

  • the UN Declaration of Human Rights
  • the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
  • the UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
  • the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

In addition, our operations are guided by the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises as well as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Mehiläinen is committed to the UN Global Compact initiative.

More information: Human rights policy of the Mehiläinen Group

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