Mehiläinen also accepts service vouchers granted by your municipality. Find out whether your municipality grants service vouchers for purchasing social and health care services.

Appointment booking and more information: 010 414 0211.

What is a service voucher?

A service voucher is a commitment from your municipality to pay part of the costs for private social and health care services. With service vouchers, the municipality can purchase social and healthcare services from private service providers, in addition to their own services. The value of the service voucher is specified by the municipality. The service voucher is personal and covers a certain service purchased by the municipality.

How can I get a service voucher?

The municipality can grant a service voucher based on an assessment visit. The service voucher is given to the clinic by a doctor at the health care center or by some other authority or is sent to the client by post. You can decline to accept a service voucher, in which case the municipality refers you to their own services.

Why should I use service vouchers?

All service providers approved by the municipalities are trustworthy partners. By granting service vouchers, the municipality wants to give their inhabitants quicker access to services. Service vouchers also give the inhabitants of the municipality the opportunity to choose their service providers.

Using a service voucher

After receiving a service voucher, you can choose a private service provider. You can find a list of approved service providers on the website of your municipality. You can find Mehiläinen’s price lists on our website or call our customer service for municipality sales at 010 414 0211 (we are open every day from 6:00 to 22:00).

Bring your service voucher with you when arriving for your appointment. You should also bring your referral from the health care center or social services and other patient information provided to you for the visit (e.g. ECG readings, laboratory tests, x-rays). If you do not bring your service voucher, we are not able to invoice your municipality directly for your visit.


The deductible is specified based on the difference between the price of the service and the value of the service voucher. The service provider or the municipality charges the deductible according to an agreement. According to law, the deductible is not covered by health insurance.

When using a service voucher, you can also purchase additional services and pay for them yourself. These services are covered by health insurance granted by Kela directly in Mehiläinen’s cash register.

Travel costs can be reimbursed in accordance with the Health Insurance Act.

Using a service voucher at Mehiläinen

The client can contact Mehiläinen’s appointment booking service after receiving a service voucher from the municipality or health care district.