
Our dermatologists apply proven and effective treatment methods in their work, and the determination of which is most appropriate, regarding the effectiveness of the treatment and the recovery time required, is made in cooperation with the customer. Therapy performed by our dermatologists are safe and ideal for both women and men. Observing the follow-up instructions accelerates the recovery process and ensures the success of home care.

View all Mehiläinen's dermatologists

Book an appointment at Mehiläinen and talk about your skin problems. We are able to provide you with individual service and answers to any questions you might have regarding problems with your skin and appearance. You can book an appointment online or by calling us at +358 (0)10 414 00.

When should you see a dermatologist?

Our professional dermatologists are able to provide help in the following skin problems and diseases, among others

  • Acne
  • Spots and blackheads
  • Treatment of acne scars
  • Rosacea
  • Dermatitis
  • Eczema
  • Atopic eczema
  • Treatment and repairing of scars
  • Oral health and skin disorders
  • Skin and ageing
  • Lichen planus
  • Herpes labialis
  • Haematomae or bruises
  • Common paediatric skin problems
  • Moles
  • Removing a benign mole
  • Melanoma and basal cell carcinoma
  • Removal of a malignant mole and melanoma

Aesthetic skin therapy

Aesthetic skin therapy can even out your skin and restore its vitality. The list of therapies applied by us includes aesthetic injections, chemical peeling, skin tightening, laser removal of liver spots and spider veins, cryotherapy, medical needle treatment, surgical procedures of the eye area and the surgical removal of different moles and lumps.

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