Acne is a common problem for young people. Most young people experience a mild form of the disease that subsides spontaneously. For some, however, the disease can be very unpleasant and they feel like it is ruining their looks. At its worst, the disease can persist for up to ten years, so efficient treatment is indicated. The treatment of acne is the specialty of dermatologists.

The onset of acne is usually in the early phases of puberty. The sebaceous glands become larger and the secretion of sebum increases due to hormonal activity. The sebaceous gland ducts can become excessively keratinised and microcomedos invisible to the eye develop on the area.

Dermatologists help in matters related to acne

Dermatologist Risto Oksman from Mehiläinen Turku says that it is worthwhile to seek the attention of a dermatologist if the skin is badly inflamed or if the acne causes worry and anxiety.

“A variety of symptoms are associated with acne. It can cause depression or, in its most serious form, it can manifest as high fever and have an adverse effect on the patient’s overall condition. Although acne often subsides spontaneously when the patient reaches the age of 20, this cannot be guaranteed in all cases. It may not subside spontaneously at all and it affects people of all ages. The onset of acne can occur in adulthood and it may persist even when the patient is old enough to retire from their work. Treatment should be initiated early on in order to prevent the development of permanent scar tissue.”

Causes of acne

The onset of acne is commonly associated with the increased secretion of testosterone in puberty. The sebaceous glands react with the hormone, increasing the secretion of sebum and keratinisation of sebaceous gland ducts: a comedo develops. When the Propionibacterium count in the blocked ducts begins to increase, an inflammation occurs and a pimple develops. The typical locations of acne include the face, the chest and the back.

“The root cause of acne is unknown. It has not been established why some suffer from this condition and others do not. However, if the parents have had acne, it is highly likely that their children will also have acne,” says Oksman.