
Young woman

Many women ponder over questions about their health and well-being.

‘Is it normal to have a spotty skin and to be nervous about a visit to a gynaecologist?’ What can I do when I feel tired and down? I’m worried about my weight and not sure what should I eat. I sometimes wonder if I’m good enough for anything.’
Whatever you are worried about, don’t hesitate to talk about it! In most cases, the questions and worrying symptoms are completely normal, and our experts can provide help and answers quickly.


A concussion is a mild brain injury. A concussion is when a person gets a hit to the head, but they do not go unconscious, do not have a seizure or a loss of memory for over 10 minutes. The person can have a mild headache, be tired, have nausea and throw up a couple of times.


Anxiety disorder refers to a prolonged and excessive state of “emotional incapability” that can be paralysing and have a serious negative effect on daily life. Anxiety disorder is a common issue.

Herpes labialis

hat are the causes of herpes labialis?Herpes labialis, commonly known as cold sores, is a type of infection by the herpes simplex virus. Approximately 90% of the adult population have had an herpes labialis infection at some point in their lives, but not all experience any symptoms. The virus does not leave the body, however, and it can cause occasional symptoms.


Kipu on suojamekanismi. Kehon kudoksissa on kipuhermopäätteitä, jotka vaurion tapahtuessa aktivoituvat ja lähettävät kipuviestiä selkäytimen kautta aivoihin. Aivot tulkitsevat viestin sen voimakkuuden, keston ja sijainnin mukaan.