Insurance customers of Mehiläinen

As an insurance customer, it is easy for you to use Mehiläinen’s services. You can book an appointment or simply come directly to the clinic. Check your insurance terms and conditions or check with your insurance company to learn how you can get approval for direct invoicing for the appointment and whether you should book the appointment through your insurance company. It is also a good idea to check in advance which services are covered by your insurance and in which situations.

If you are seeking treatment under a voluntary insurance policy taken out by your employer, check the correct course of action with your employer or the insurance company.

How to use our services and book an appointment as an insurance customer

If you fall ill or have an accident, you can always seek treatment, for example:

  • by booking an appointment online
  • by calling and booking an appointment through Mehiläinen's customer service at 010 414 00
  • by visiting the emergency services
  • By visiting Digital Clinic in the OmaMehiläinen service.

COVID-19 tests and insurance

Medical expense insurance and travel insurance also cover some COVID-19 tests. In general, medical expenses and travel insurance cover tests performed with a doctor's referral in accordance with the criteria of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare . Please check with your insurance company for more detailed instructions on the coverage of your insurance and instructions on how to seek treatment. We are not always allowed to invoice for costs directly to the insurance company, even if the insurance eventually reimburses the test. In this case, you can claim compensation from your insurance afterwards.

In accordance with current recommendations, tests are only carried out on symptomatic persons, which usually means that tests taken from asymptomatic persons are not reimbursed by insurance. Also, as a rule, antibody tests are not reimbursed by insurance.

Please always check the coverage of your insurance with your insurance company:

Learn more:
Do you suspect you have COVID-19? Read the following instructions

Ask your insurance company about your insurance policy or appointment

  • As a Pohjola Insurance personal insurance customer, you have access to the Pohjola Health Advisor service. When you start treatment through the Pohjola Health Advisor service, you can get the decision on compensation right away. No separate loss report is needed, and you only need to pay the deductible for the doctor’s appointment. Learn more about the Pohjola Health Advisor service.
  • As a customer of LocalTapiola, you can contact the TerveysHelppi service before making an appointment. Read more about the TerveysHelppi service
  • As a customer of If’s health insurance, you only pay a possible deductible for a doctor’s appointment, and Mehiläinen will apply for reimbursements directly from If. Learn more about the If direct reimbursement service
  • As a customer of Fennia, you have access to FenniaHoitaja, and you only pay a possible deductible for your treatment. Read more about the FenniaHoitaja service
  • As a private customer of Pohjantähti, you have access to a direct invoicing service. You will therefore pay only the deductible if you have received approval for direct invoicing from Pohjantähti prior to your appointment. Learn more about Pohjantähti’s direct invoicing service
  • As a customer of Turva’s Junioriturva medical expense insurance, you only pay a possible deductible for a doctor’s appointment, and Mehiläinen will apply for reimbursements directly from Turva. Read more about TaskuTurva

You can also book an appointment through your insurance company by phone, for example:

  • As a Pohjola Insurance personal insurance customer, you can contact the Pohjola Health Advisor service by calling 0100 5225.
  • As a LocalTapiola personal insurance customer, you can contact the TerveysHelppi service by calling 0206 1000.
  • As a Pohjantähti personal insurance customer, you can call 020 763 4051.
  • As a Fennia customer, you can contact the FenniaHoitoja service by calling 010 503 5000.

General principles at an appointment

  • If you have a voluntary insurance (private accident, treatment cost, travel and licence insurances), you pay for your visits yourself and then apply for reimbursement from your insurance company unless your insurance company has given permission to send the invoice directly to the insurance company.
  • When it comes to statutory insurance (accidents at work and car insurance), we can send the invoice for the appointments directly to your insurance company. Please also remember to report accidents at work to your insurance company together with your supervisor. If you have a traffic accident, you can report it yourself to your insurance company.
  • In the case of voluntary personal insurance taken out by your employer (medical expense or accident insurance), we can usually invoice the appointments directly from the insurance company.
  • If the invoice is sent directly to the insurance company, the diagnosis information related to the appointment is also transmitted to the insurance company in connection with the invoice.

General principles for treatments and examinations

  • For more expensive treatments or examinations (e.g. surgery, MRI scans), the doctor may request a payment commitment from the insurance company.
  • When an insurance company issues a payment commitment, we invoice your insurance company for the treatments and examinations in accordance with it.
  • When it comes to voluntary insurance, we can also request a payment commitment from your insurance company for an examination or procedure prescribed by a doctor.

The text was last updated in terms of COVID-19 testing on 20 August 2020.

Learn more about the types of insurance and related procedures

Occupational accidents
Personal injuries caused in traffic
Accidents of professional athletes
Leisure time injuries
Travel accidents and travel illnesses
Sports accidents

Learn more:

Briefly about accidents
Insurance policies to supplement occupational health care

Insurance companies:

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