Our coaching programmes give you tools for promoting both mental and physical well-being and finding energy for coping with everyday life.

Support for well-being

Our coaching programmes give you tools for promoting both mental and physical well-being and finding energy for coping with everyday life.


Support from a well-being coach Your personal coach will monitor your progress and support you remotely throughout the entire programme.
The coaching contents are available 24/7 The coaching programmes are available in the OmaMehiläinen application and online service.
Impact monitoring A survey at the beginning and end of the programme, midway through the programme and six months after the programme.
Weekly changing themes Tips for everyday life and exercises and videos on weekly themes.
Well-being and lifestyle coaching programmes

The price of a programme aimed at supporting your well-being and health is EUR 99.90/programme. In addition to weekly coaching materials and assignments, the 12–16-week coaching programmes include remote support from your well-being coach.

Eat Healthier

A programme for maintaining a healthy diet.

Get Moving

A programme for exercising and increasing everyday activity.

Take a Breath

A programme for relieving stress and improving mental well-being.

Eat lighter

A coaching program for weight management.

Sleep better

A coaching program for addressing short-term insomnia.

Sleep as a challenge

A coaching program for long-term insomnia and irregular working hours.

Feel better

A coaching program for people who feel sad or anxious.

Insights from interaction

A coaching program for dealing with stressful relationships and improving communication skills.

Quitting smoking

A coaching for quitting smoking.

Cut down on drinking

A coaching for ​quitting drinking.

Phases of programmes

Beginning a programme

Setting a goal together with the coach, introduction and pre-coaching survey. The coach will reply to your messages in 1–3 business days and 
monitor progress throughout the programme.

New weekly theme and assignment every Monday

The aim is to achieve your personal goals through small changes. Assignments can be performed on a daily or weekly basis, whichever suits you best.

Impact and customer satisfaction monitoring

Goal survey halfway through the programme, final survey and a follow-up survey six months after the completion of the programme.

The coaching page is a summary of the programme

Personal goals, progress of the programme, all weekly themes of the programme and the coach’s contact information. The themes and assignments of previous weeks can be browsed and performed again later on.

Additional services

The coaching includes the remote support of your well-being coach (messages). The price of the coaching does not include any meetings that may be separately arranged as video appointments. If you feel that you need additional support during the coaching and would like to have an even more in-depth discussion with your own well-being coach in the form of a video appointment, we will charge you separately for the video appointment. The prices of the well-being coach's video appointments is EUR 55.30 (15min), EUR 82.95 (30min) and EUR 110.60 (45min). The coaching programme and video appointments are not reimbursable by Kela.

Our customers' experiences of the coaching programmes

“The best things about the Eat Healthier programme are that it progresses in phases, it has weekly assignments and it provides access to a chat service.”

“The Get Moving programme was ideal for me as I could do everything according to my own schedule without being committed to any specific times or appointments.”

“The Eat Lighter programme provided easy tips for taking up the right eating and exercise habits. For me, the most important lesson of the programme was that even the smallest changes can affect your health tremendously. Previously, I felt I had to lose weight fast, but the programme is about changing your habits entirely, which is of course a slow process. I am delighted and I am happy to go on.”

“I believe everybody can benefit from the Take a Breath programme regardless of their current condition as the programme is so versatile.”

Do you want to learn more?

You can contact our customer service by calling 010 414 0200. Open 24 hours a day.

In addition, we serve in the chat on the online appointment website and in the customer service of OmaMehiläinen Digital Clinic.

How can I purchase a coaching programme?

Fill in the form below to purchase a programme. Choose the correct programme from the form and fill in the necessary information.

If you are an occupational health customer of Mehiläinen and a coaching programme is included in your occupational health agreement, please contact your occupational health nurse.

After submitting the form, the programme will begin accordingly:

  1. A coach will contact you by phone to determine your personal goals and to start the programme.
  2. Once the programme has started, we will send you an invoice (EUR 99.90). Some of our coaching programmes can be paid using ePassi (Eat Healthier, Eat Lighter, Get Moving). If you want to use ePassi as a means of payment, please let your coach know during the telephone call.
  3. Download the OmaMehiläinen app to your phone or tablet computer. You can also use the OmaMehiläinen online service at https://oma.mehilainen.fi  (Webpage in finnish)
  4. The programme will begin with an introduction and a pre-coaching survey in OmaMehiläinen.
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