
Stomach aches are a nuisance. They tend to have a negative effect on both the body and the mind. The causes for said aches can be difficult to find on your own. 

The reason behind stomach aches is often nutrition. Symptoms can be caused by coeliac disease, lactose intolerance, an allergy or even gastroesophageal reflux, so pay attention in what situations the pains arise. There are treatment methods for each problem. If you feel aches in your stomach, there is no reason to sit quietly and endure. Make an appointment with a doctor. A general practitioner can help you and give you advice, as well as guiding you to further examinations if needed.

When should I go see a doctor?

It is advisable to consult with a doctor, when detecting one or more of the following symptoms: 

  • Sudden changes in bowel habits towards diarrhea or constipation
  • Changes in bowel habits
  • Difficulties with defecation
  • Blood or slime in excrement
  • Black excrement
  • Frequent aches
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Anemia

If your lower abdomen is acting up, make an appointment with a gynecologist 

Pain in the lower abdomen is a monthly nuisance for most women. Experiencing prolonged or increased symptoms does call for a visit to the gynecologist. Intense pain in the lower abdomen during periods might be caused by endometriosis. It is important to pay regular visits to your gynecologist.  

You should discuss all pains related to your lower abdomen with a gynecologist. Even if you only experience pain during your periods, you should not have to endure them.

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Monesti vatsavaivojen takana on ruoka. Oireet voivat olla merkki keliakiasta, laktoosi-intoleranssista, ruoka-aineallergiasta tai vaikkapa närästyksestä – kuulostele siis, millaisissa tilanteissa vatsa kiukuttelee. Kaikkiin vaivoihin on apua saatavilla.
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