Positiivinen ajattelu

Sometimes it is good to stop and think about your attitude towards yourself and your surroundings. It is good to ask from yourself: What comes in, when I enter the room? Do I bring joy and compassion or requirements and negativity? Do I notice the good in others or only what is wrong? Recognising your attitude is the first step towards changing it.

You can learn relationship skills and accepting yourself

Our brain usually automatically notices what is wrong. Our upbringing and background also influence what we expect from ourselves and how we meet the others. However, our brain and observations can be developed, as well as learning how to accept yourself and become better at relationship skills.

Try to learn to pay attention to things that are good in your life. Say these things out loud. We create the reality with words, and therefore, the things we say to ourselves strengthen our conception about the world. When you learn to recognise good things in you and your surroundings, your quality of life is improved.

Watch the video for the tips of the psychotherapist! (in finnish)

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Psychological well-being and mental health >>