EU:n koronatodistus - tietopaketti

The common EU Digital COVID Certificate was introduced in July 2021. The certificate will facilitate safe and free movement of citizens within the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The EU Digital COVID Certificate consists of three different certificates:

  • COVID-19 vaccination certificate
  • negative test result certificate
  • certificate for the recovery from COVID-19.

The EU Digital COVID Certificate is an electronic record of vaccination or test results displayed on the phone, which the user can print on paper if they wish. The certificate is authenticated by a QR code, which is used to verify the certificate and its content.

The EU Digital COVID Certificate is approved in all EU countries. The EU regulation on the COVID-19 vaccination certificate entered into force on 1 July, after which Member States had to introduce it within six weeks of its entry into force. This means that not all EU countries have the capacity to issue and read certificates at the same time.

It is up to each EU country to decide which certificates or how many doses of vaccine they require from those entering the country.
The EU Digital COVID Certificate is free of charge.

Learn more:
More information about the EU Digital COVID Certificate (THL)
This is how you can get the COVID-19 certificate from My Kanta (

For how long is the EU Digital COVID Certificate valid?

The EU Digital COVID Certificate is valid for one year (12 months). Member States may have their own policies, so check the situation in the destination country when you travel.

The period of validity of the certificate is calculated from the time of sampling, not from the time of generating the certificate.

The certificate of the COVID-19 recovery will become valid after 11 days from the date of receipt of a positive COVID-19 test result and will remain valid for a maximum of 180 days.

Travel and the EU Digital COVID Certificate

COVID-19 tests for trips abroad are taken in private health care. These COVID-19 tests also generate the EU Digital COVID Certificate in My Kanta.

Electronic or paper COVID-19 certificate?

The use of an electronic EU Digital COVID Certificate with a smartphone is recommended.

If necessary, you can print out the certificate from My Kanta.

How can I get an EU Digital COVID Certificate from My Kanta?

The person will receive an EU Digital COVID Certificate from My Kanta after the vaccination or examination data have been stored in the Kanta services.

Log in to My Kanta at You need to authenticate with a Mobile ID or online banking credentials when logging in.

Select COVID-19 certificate from the menu on the left-hand side. There is also a direct link to the certificate section from the My Kanta home page.

Click the PDF link to open the COVID-19 certificate. If you have a certificate, it will open on a new tab.

Save the PDF to your phone or other device. If you wish, you can also print the certificate on paper.

For the time being, the EU Digital COVID Certificate can only be obtained from My Kanta. Individuals who do not use My Kanta may receive other certificates for COVID-19 vaccination, test or recovery from health care providers.

Learn more:
This is how you can get the EU COVID-19 vaccination certificate from My Kanta (
More information about the EU Digital COVID Certificate (THL)

Where can I get the EU Digital COVID Certificate if I do not have a Finnish personal identity code?

Without a Finnish personal identity code, the EU Digital COVID Certificate can be obtained in print from public health care providers.

The certificate printed by the public health care provider contains the same information as the certificate printed from My Kanta.

EU Digital COVID Certificate and information security

Do not share photos or certificates, for example, on social media.

Use and store the COVID-19 certificate with the same care as other important documents containing personal data

A minor’s EU Digital COVID Certificate

Guardians of a child can view and print an EU Digital COVID Certificate from My Kanta if the child is under 10 years of age. The EU Digital COVID

Certificate cannot be obtained for children aged 10–17 from My Kanta without strong authentication of the child, i.e. authentication with online banking credentials. The EU Digital COVID Certificate can be printed in Mehiläinen’s certificate service.

Learn more:
This is how you can get the EU Digital COVID Certificate for a child aged 10–12 years and 12–17 years