Do you suspect you have the coronavirus or do you have no symptoms and need a quick COVID-19 test? Here’s what to do:

Go to digital clinic


COVID-19 tests also available without a referral

Some Mehiläinen drive-in testing stations offer testing without a referral. See the list of our stations here. In such cases, your need for an examination and a referral will be assessed and issued at the station.

See also:
Information about COVID-19 tests at Mehiläinen
Up-to-date THL recommendations on testing preschoolers and school-aged children (THL)

COVID-19 test price

The most up-to-date price information for COVID-19 tests, i.e. PCR, antigen and antibody tests, as well as the extensive antibody package, can be found on the Price List page.

Please note that for a trip or an event, you can purchase a COVID-19 test online. The price of a COVID-19 test purchased online may differ from the price of a COVID-19 test purchased elsewhere.


Do your symptoms require visiting a clinic in person?

If your symptoms suggest COVID-19 and feel quite severe and you need a doctor’s appointment, you can book an appointment our online booking system or by calling our customer service: 010 414 1848

Book an appointment  Call our customer service (EUR 0.0835 per call + EUR 0.1669 per minute)

Please note that if your symptoms are severe and you need urgent help, we recommend contacting the emergency clinic of your area without delay or, in the event of an emergency, calling 112.

Have you been exposed to the coronavirus and want to get tested?

  • If you are informed of exposure to the coronavirus and the authorities have ordered you into quarantine, follow the instructions provided to you.
  • If you are self-quarantining due to travel, for example, and you are thinking about getting tested for COVID-19, see the updated THL instructions concerning travel.
  • If you are using Koronavilkku and you receive an exposure alert, you can contact Digital Clinic for advice. We also recommend reading the Koronavilkku FAQ page that includes instructions for those exposed to the virus.

If you are Mehiläinen’s occupational health customer and you have been exposed to the coronavirus but are not showing symptoms, you can contact your occupational health nurse or physician and ask them about the need for testing and whether COVID-19 testing for asymptomatic customers is included in your occupational health agreement.

Real-time information about the Digital Clinic and COVID-19 testing:

Corona testing in Mehiläinen - where are coronavirus tests performed?

Corona tests are taken in Mehiläinen's laboratories. From certain laboratories, you can get a PCR test result in about 6–8 hours, but within a day at the latest.

You can find opening hours and instructions on the office's website and on site.

Corona testing in Mehiläinen

You can also check the real-time view of the respiratory infections diagnosed and suspicions of COVID-19 at Mehiläinen. This view and monitoring data are available to everyone at

Questions and answers about COVID-19 and our services
ve you noticed symptoms after booking an appointment?

If you have booked an appointment for a non-urgent matter and you are experiencing symptoms similar to those of COVID-19, you can cancel your appointment and book a new one free of charge. You can easily change your appointment in the OmaMehiläinen service.

If you need to cancel your appointment less than 24 hours before, we recommend postponing your appointment by calling our customer service at 010 414 00.

Our appointments can also be booked as remote appointments if the nature of your health problem allows it. If you are unsure of how to book a remote appointment or change a previously booked appointment into a remote appointment, please contact our customer service at 010 414 00.

If your health problem is urgent and you cannot wait until the symptoms subside, we recommend contacting our customer service so that we can come up with a safe way to organise your appointment.

If you are unsure when to come in to see a nurse or a physician, contact our customer service at 010 414 1848 or go to the chat service in our online booking system.

If you are not experiencing symptoms and have not been ordered to quarantine but you are sure you have been exposed to the coronavirus, we recommend that you postpone your previously booked appointment unless the matter is urgent.

What does a COVID-19 test cost?
Do you need a COVID-19 certificate?

Once your test result is ready and negative, you will automatically receive a certificate of a negative result electronically in OmaMehiläinen, from where you can print the certificate, if necessary. Electronic certificates are free of charge.

Electronic certificates may not be sufficient for travel. For tourism-related needs, we always recommend a printed and signed (with a pen) certificate, available from any Mehiläinen medical clinic. You can pick up the certificate from the reception desk of a Mehiläinen medical clinic. Please take your personal identification document with you when picking up the certificate. The price of a certificate picked up from a medical clinic is EUR 23.

Please note that a negative COVID-19 test result does not release you from quarantine ordered by the authorities or void a suspected exposure.

Learn more:
Traveller’s COVID-19 certificate
COVID-19 vaccine

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