Covid-19 vaccination

The aim of coronavirus vaccination in Finland is to prevent serious cases of coronavirus infection, loss of life years, to maintain the carrying capacity of health care and to prevent premature deaths. More information on the resolution on Finland’s COVID-19 vaccine strategy by the Finnish Government in December 2020. (

To whom the COVID-19 booster dose is given?

In Finland, COVID-19 vaccines will be acquired for the entire population and offered to anyone aged 5 or older.

The COVID-19 booster dose is designed for adults over 18 years of age. Vaccination can be given to high-risk groups as well as to other adults.

Learn more about Mehiläinen’s COVID-19 vaccination

The booster dose is recommended for:

In addition, a booster dose of the coronavirus vaccine may, exceptionally, also be given to other persons aged 18 or over, for example, due to work assignments or the requirements of the destination country.

Learn more:
More information about the booster doses (in Finnish) Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

Where can I get vaccinated against COVID-19?

From the beginning of 2023, wellbeing services counties will be responsible for organising vaccinations in their area. The vaccinations can be organised in cooperation with occupational health care and private service providers.

Learn more about Mehiläinen’s COVID-19 vaccination

Learn more:
Progress of COVID-19 vaccinations (in Finnish) Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

Content updated 16 January 2023.

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