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With a dentist experienced in treating patients with dental fear, you can face your fears safely and at your own pace. Talking about it and relaxation exercises help many people. Sometimes dental fear can be alleviated by laser dental treatment, a sedative before the examination or treatment or dental treatment under general anaesthesia. 

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  • At Mehiläinen, we focus on identifying and treating dental fear.
  • You can make an appointment with one of our dentists who are experts in dental fear.
  • A sedative before the examination or treatment or laser dental treatment can ease your fear.
  • For severe dental fear, dental care under light general anaesthesia or sedation or dental treatment under general anaesthesia may be an option.
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Frequently asked questions about dental fear

Dental fear is very common: up to one in three Finns suffer from dental fear.

There are many reasons for dental fear:

  • feeling helpless when lying in a dentist’s chair
  • fear of pain
  • fear of the vomiting reflex
  • fear of suffocation
  • sounds, such as a drill howling or the dental vacuum roaring
  • shame of exposing your mouth if your teeth have got badly decayed

These common and natural fears are often based on a previous, unpleasant experience. Horror stories from close friends and family can also fuel fears.

Sometimes it is just a general predisposition to fears. The background to the fear is not always clear, nor should it be!

Whatever the cause, fear is a real emotion that needs to be taken seriously.

At Mehiläinen, we are committed to identifying and treating dental fear, because we want to create a good experience for you - despite your fear.

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Why do you have dental fear? Fear is a real feeling that we take seriously
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Why do you have dental fear?

Our dentists have a wide range of methods for treating patients with fear. Here are some of them:

  1. Without hurry or haste. We always reserve enough time for the appointment.
  2. Pain relief. Anesthesia is effective in relieving pain. Before the procedure, we check the effectiveness of the anaesthesia and ask about your feelings during the treatment. If you're nervous about the anaesthetic needle, we can anaesthetise the injection site with a brush-on gel on the mucous membrane.
  3. Relaxation. We will advise you on breathing and imagining exercises that will help you calm down.
  4. Information about the procedure. You can discuss the different treatment options with your dentist and agree on the methods and pace of the treatment. During your appointment, our dentist will keep you informed about the progress of the work throughout your visit.
  5. A feeling of control. Agree with your dentist on a hand signal to take a break, for example. We will proceed one step at a time and at your pace.
  6. Muting the noises. Listening to music helps to muffle loud noises and relaxes you. Bring your own headphones and put on your favourite song.
  7. Laser dental treatment. A laser can also be used to fill a tooth in many Mehiläinen clinics, without the unpleasant drilling noise. With laser dentistry, you also avoid the pressure and vibration of drilling.
  8. Pre-medication. The sedative medication given before the appointment helps many to relax.
  9. Light general anaesthesia. When you have a more intense dental fear, sedation, a light general anaesthesia given by an anaesthesiologist, can be an option to relieve pain and provide a strong sedative while you remain awake during the procedure.
  10. Dental treatment under general anaesthesia. If you have a particularly severe dental fear, dental treatment under general anaesthesia may be a suitable solution for you.
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What helps with dental fear? 10 tips from a dentist
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10 tips from a dentist

When you're experiencing dental fear, talking about it can help ease the fear. Talk openly about your fear; we will listen and take it into account in your treatment. 

Tell us about your dental fear when you make an appointment or mention it at the beginning of your visit. We will take your dental fear seriously, and you'll always get help.

You can make an appointment through our online appointment booking system or by calling our customer service on 010 273 8000 (open Mon–Sun from 6 am to 10 pm).

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In dental fear, talking is the first step to getting help

Dental care is easier when you have a dentist you know and trust. A reassuring and trusting relationship develops over time. So make sure you choose the same dentist for your dental check-ups and dental care. 

Choose your own trusted dentist from our team of dentists trained to deal with dental fear.

They will help you with your fears and help you through every stage of your dental treatment:

  1. The appointment always starts with a discussion.
  2. We will agree with you on the procedures to be carried out and the fear relief you need.
  3. We will keep you informed of the progress of the procedure.
  4. We will ask you about your feelings during the treatment.
  5. We will pause the treatment according to your wishes.
  6. If necessary, the procedures can be performed under light general anaesthesia or general anaesthesia.

You can make an appointment either online or by phone 010 273 8000 (open Mon–Sun 6am–10pm), so that we can choose a suitable dentist who is familiar with patients with dental fear.

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Dentist - patients with dental fears benefit from a dentist they can trust
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A dentist you know and trust

If the dental procedure you are facing feels overwhelming, dental treatment under general anaesthesia may be the solution. It's also a good option when your oral problems are piling up and you have a lot to deal with. 

Dental treatment under general anaesthesia is a daily routine for us. We plan it carefully before the procedure. The anaesthesiologist will discuss with you in advance and assess whether general anesthesia is possible for you. You will also see your dentist before anesthesia.

You will be in safe hands throughout the procedure. Anaesthesiologist and nurse anaesthetist are present. Your dentist and dental nurse will take care of your teeth.

You'll be able to go home the very same day. Prepare to rest at home for the rest of the day.

Do you want more information about dental treatment under general anaesthesia? Please contact and we will tell you more or call our customer service on 010 273 8000 (open Mon–Sun 6am–10pm).

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Dental treatment under general anaesthesia is a safe option if you have bad dental fear
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Dental treatment under general anaesthesia

Bad dental fear sometimes creates a cycle of skipping dental check-ups and dental problems piling up.

We understand that because of the fear your mouth may have been left untreated for a long time. There's no need to be embarrassed - we won't judge if your teeth are in bad shape.

We want to help you achieve a healthy mouth, which is why we encourage regular dental check-ups. You'll avoid major procedures when problems are detected and treated early.

Painless, regular check-ups often take the edge off your fear and help you to gradually overcome your dental fear. You can't always eliminate fear, but you can manage it.

Fear patients are important to us, which is why we take special care of our fear patients. At your first visit, we will work with you to develop an individualised treatment plan.

We know that fear can make it difficult to make an appointment, so we will send you an invitation to your dental check-up at the right time.

Dental fear need not prevent you from receiving dental care even after your check-up because we take your fear into account in all procedures - whether the reason for your visit is:

  • dental fillings and root canal treatment
  • oral inflammation treatment
  • correction of malocclusions by orthodontic treatment
  • tooth extraction
  • dental prosthesis fitting
  • cosmetic dental care
  • treatment of bruxism or grinding of teeth

Anna Krook, our dentist, was interviewed for this article.

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Dental fear - why should you still have regular dental check-ups?

Don't let considerations about the price of dental care get in the way of your visit.

Your dentist will be able to give you an estimate of the cost of the treatment you need at the first visit, and at Hammas Mehiläinen you have the flexibility of a range of payment options. You can pay for your dental treatment by invoice or by instalment, for example.

That's one less thing to worry about.

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Dentist – price an obstacle?
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The fear of going to the dentist may be so great that you will avoid it to the last. For many, these fears are rooted in childhood and adolescent experiences. What are the remedies to overcome this fear?

In this episode of the Afterwork podcast, Jenni Rotonen, Meri Milash and Petra Soikkeli discuss their own experiences and questions about the dentist visits and dental fear with a dentist from Hammas Mehiläinen.

Listen to the episode of the podcast: Fear and shame at the dentist's bench (in Finnish)

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Podcast: Tips and help for dental fear
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Sivukohtainen UKK
What helps with dental fear?

Relieves dental fear:

  • discussing the matter with your dentist
  • various relaxation methods, such as listening to music or breathing exercises
  • a confidential relationship with a dentist who is familiar with patients with dental fear
  • increasing the feeling of control, i.e. your dentist will tell you what they are doing
  • sedation and general anaesthesia
Can I get medication for my dental fear?

We can ease the anxiety associated with dental fear with sedative medication. Inform your dentist well in advance of the procedure.

Can I get anesthesia if I fear coming to the dentist?

If you suffer from severe dental fear, general anesthesia may be a good solution for you.

You can also try sedation, which is a light general anaesthetic performed by an anaesthesiologist, during which you are awake, but in a very relaxed state.

Is anaesthesia safe?

Dental treatment under general anaesthesia in Mehiläinen is safe. The anaesthesiologist performing the anaesthesia will discuss your health with you in advance and make sure that there is no obstacle to general anesthesia. We will take care of you throughout the procedure and beyond until you are ready to go home – usually during the same day.

I'm afraid of pain. Does it hurt at the dentist appointment?

We want to make your dental treatment as painless as possible with effective anesthetics. Thanks to topical anaesthesia, even the injection with the needle does not feel much.

How can I prepare for the appointment?

The best way to prepare for the appointment is to inform the dentist of your fear when making an appointment or in the beginning of the appointment. That way, our dentist will be able to take your fears into account in all stages of dental care.

How can I relax during treatment?

Calm breathing, visualisation, listening to your favourite music and sedative premedication are good ways to relax if you fear dental procedures.

How can I find a dentist who understands dental fear?

In Mehiläinen, all dentists know how to take into account your dental fear. We also have dentists who are particularly familiar with patients with dental fear.

How do I bring up my dental fear?

You can bring up your dental fear already when you book and at the beginning of your appointment. We will also ask about this in the patient information form, which every patient fills in before the appointment.

How is my dental fear taken into account at Mehiläinen?
  • We want to know about the fears our patients have so that we can consider them at all stages of dental care. We encourage you to tell us about your dental fear when making an appointment, and we will ask about this in the patient information form.
  • With us, you can choose a dentist who knows how to deal with fear patients, who understands your feelings and can help you manage fear.
  • We will make you an individualised treatment plan that takes your situation into account.
  • We invite you to periodic check-ups at appropriate intervals to keep your teeth in good condition and avoid major procedures.
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Dental fear is common - We will be there for you
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Come to us with your dental fear. With a dentist familiar with the treatment of patients with fear, you can face your fears safely at your own pace.

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Dental fear

In the dental fear check, together with a dentist familiar with the treatment of patients with fear, you can face your dental fear safely at your own pace.

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Dental fear treatment in a nutshell:
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