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A dental check-up is a small act that has a surprisingly big impact on your well-being and health. Many oral conditions are asymptomatic for a long time and can only be detected during a dental check-up.

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  • Even if there you have no acute problems in your mouth, you should have regular dental check-ups.
  • Dental check-ups are painless and you do not require any treatments.
  • Have you missed your dental check-ups? It is not an issue for us if your teeth are in bad shape.
Toimipisteet-osion otsikko
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Frequently asked questions about dental check-ups
  1. Discussion. The dental check-up starts with a chat. We want to know about your general medical conditions, medications and allergies. We're interested to hear how you take care of your teeth at home - without judging your habits.
  2. Touch and feel. Your dentist will feel your masticatory muscles and lymph nodes. Your temporomandibular joints’ clicks and grinds are recorded.
  3. Mucous membranes. Next, the dentist will check the inside of your mouth and go over your oral mucous membranes.
  4. Bite. Then it's time to put your teeth together. The dentist will look at the relationship between your upper and lower jaws and the position of your teeth
  5. Teeth. The dentist checks each of your teeth, gently pressing and scratching. A fibre-optic light is used to look through the tooth.
  6. Gums. Your gums will be examined down to the interdental spaces and gingival pockets. If you have gingivitis, it may feel a little uncomfortable to examine your gums - if necessary, we will use anaesthesia and examine your gums during a separate visit.
  7. Possible X-rays. Every few years, after an assessment of your individual needs, it is a good idea to have additional x-rays of your teeth at an additional cost so that your dentist can see hidden spaces between teeth and the seams of the fillings.
  8. Cost estimate. At the end of the check-up, the dentist will tell you everything that was found out about your mouth during the dental check-up. We will agree with you on any further treatment and give you an estimate of the cost.
  9. Individual home care instructions. You will receive suitable advice for self-care of your teeth at home.
  10. Till next time! Finally, your dentist will tell you when the next dental check-up is due. You do not need to worry about remembering the time in your busy everyday life, as we will send you an invitation. We can also book an appointment for you right away. 
CTA-painikkeen tyyli
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Dental check-up - here's how it works
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What happens during a dental checkup?

Of course, you need to go to the dentist when you have a toothache or a chipped tooth, but it's worth visiting regularly even if you have no acute problems in your mouth.

There are many good reasons for regular dental check-ups:

  1. Anticipation. You can get away with less by taking preventive care of your mouth. Oral diseases are often deceptively latent, and only a dentist can detect the onset of an ailment. By the time you notice your teeth indicating an issue, the problem has been festering in your mouth for a long time.
  2. Savings. In the long run, regular dental check-ups pay off. It is usually easier and cheaper to correct problems at an early stage than to correct problems that are at an advanced stage.
  3. Overall health. Regular dental check-ups are an investment in your overall health, as your mouth is a direct route to your entire body. Infections that smoulder in the mouth can spread to the rest of your body, and a diseased mouth can be the cause of conditions such as heart and brain disease.
CTA-painikkeen tyyli
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Regular dental check-ups – that's why it pays off
Teksti sisällysluettelossa

Many people brush their teeth just before a dental appointment as a courtesy to the dentist. It's a nice idea, but brushing your teeth is not necessary when preparing for a dental check-up.

Rather follow your usual dental routine – then we'll see how your self-care habits affect your teeth.

When you first come to us for a dental check-up, take some time to fill in the patient information form before your appointment. If you take medication regularly, you should bring a list of medicines with you to the appointment.

Many people are nervous about opening their mouth at the dentist. We will never judge your oral care. We prefer to focus on tomorrow's good self-care and help you with that. So come as you are!

CTA-painikkeen tyyli
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Preparing for a dental check-up
Teksti sisällysluettelossa

Dental fear does not have to be an obstacle to a dental check-up. We don't belittle your fear, we take it into account during your dental check-up. 

Having a dental check-up often even relieves dental fear, as it is a painless examination and there's no need for any treatments - we'll always arrange a treatment appointment with you.

If you wish, you can make an appointment with a dentist specialised in dental fear. They always have time to talk and listen to your feelings. In this case, make an appointment by phone 010 273 8000, so we can choose a dentist who specialises in patients with dental fear.

Roman Rajala, our dentist in charge, was interviewed for this article.

CTA-painikkeen tyyli
Näytä sisällysluettelossa
If you fear a dental check-up
Teksti sisällysluettelossa
If you fear a dental check-up
Sivukohtainen UKK
Dental check-up - wondering about the price?

At Hammas Mehiläinen you know the price of your dental check-up in advance - check out our price list.

Are you familiar with our flexible payment methods? You can also pay for your dental check-up with an invoice or a separate payment at Hammas Mehiläinen.

X-ray examinations are subject to a separate fee. Your dentist will tell you in advance if your situation requires X-rays - they are not required at every check-up. However, every few years, even if you have no symptoms in your mouth, you should have an X-ray taken as it is the only way to get a complete overall picture of your teeth.

How often should I have a dental check-up?

Regular appointments with a dentist are recommended, but the suitable frequency of appointments is individual. Your dentist at Hammas Mehiläinen will tell you when you should have your teeth checked next. We will remember and remind you about the appointment time: you will receive an invitation to your dental check-up at the right time!

Don't know when you should have your teeth checked? Contact us at Hammas Mehiläinen. We will find out together and, if necessary, make an appointment for a dental check-up.

CALL 010 273 8000

Dental check-up - duration?

A dental check-up typically takes about 20–30 minutes. We want to get to know you well, so if you are new to us, please take the time to fill in the patient information form before your appointment. 

For those who have visited us before, periodic check-ups are easier, as your previous visit is on our records and we know your situation in advance.

Book an appointment for a dental check-up

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Dental check-up - the foundation of oral health
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Dental check-ups are painless and you do not require any treatments. Book an appointment for a dental check-up.

Hinnasto-osion otsikko
Price list and payment
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Palvelut-osion otsikko
Dental check-up

During the dental check-up, you will get an assessment of the health of your mouth and teeth from the dentist, as well as a recommendation for further measures. A dental check-up is a painless examination, and there is no need to do any treatment in connection with it.

Acquaintance check

Get to know our new oral health professionals and book a high-quality and comprehensive introductory check-up at a bargain price.

Dental fear

With a dentist experienced in treating patients with dental fear, you can face your fears safely and at your own pace.

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Dental check-ups in a nutshell:
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By visiting your dentist regularly and treating oral diseases early, it will be easier - and cheaper - for you.
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