Everyday life of practical nurse is not just routines. Learn more about practical nurse's work.

Everyday life and work of a practical nurse
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Everyday life is not just routines

The everyday life of a practical nurse often involves repetitive routines, such as writing reports, arranging meals or collaborating with relatives. However, the situation may change rapidly. Soon we will be in the midst of a sudden change in the situation, tackling even the biggest challenges. You'll get the training and support you need from your supervisor and your team. The most important thing is that you get through everyday life by tolerating stress and remaining gentle.

Watch the video to learn more about practical nursing student Cassandra's work at the residential care services for the disabled.

The best thing about Cassandra's work is the laughter

Discover what social media influencer Dokke Tas found out about the work of a practical nurse after visiting practical nurse student Cassandra's workplace in Onnikoti for the disabled and injured.

Dokke Tas's day with practical nurse student Cassandra

Check out our other practical nurse pages

Read about three other themes related to the work of a practical nurse and you can also find open positions for practical nurses.


Practical nurses are on a lifelong mission

Lähihoitaja Miska

The practical nurse is literally close to the person they care for and you can give small part of ruoself to the customers in each encounter. It is rewarding and meaningful work in which we meet people genuinely and make life worth living. Mehiläinen offers Finland's most comprehensive and flexible job opportunities for practical nurses and students.

Job vacancies for practical nurses


Care is the foundation of everything

Lähihoitaja Anna ja Mikael Renwall

A practical nurse closely monitors the health of the customers and also performs treatment measures such as wound care and rehabilitation. The work is responsible and requires precision and knowledge, but it is also very rewarding.

Discover what social media influencer Mikael Renwall found out about the work of a practical nurse after visiting practical nurse student Anna's workplace in Mainiokoti with elderly residents.

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Care is caring

Lähihoitaja Miska ja Rosanna Kulju

Practical nurses have a special responsibility for the basic needs of people and the cleanliness of the living environment. Care is present in every moment.

Find out what social media influencer Rosanna Kulju got out of working as a practical nurse after she familiarised herself with the working day of Kotipalvelu Mehiläinen's home care practical nurse Miska.

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Understanding comes from empathy

Lähihoitaja Essi ja Nelli Orell

Sometimes we catch up and talk. Sometimes we just listen. A practical nurse knows the needs of the customers and understands them. Friendships are often made too.

Discover what social media influencer Nelli Orell found out about the work of a practical nurse after visiting practical nurse Essi’s workplace in Ykköskoti, which is home to substance abuse and mental health rehabilitees.

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Discover what social media influencer Dokke Tas found out about the work of a practical nurse after visiting practical nurse student Cassandra's workplace in Onnikoti for the disabled and injured.
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