The practical nurse is literally close to the person they care for and you can give small part of ruoself to the customers in each encounter. It is rewarding and meaningful work in which we meet people genuinely and make life worth living.

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Practical nurse work at Mehiläinen

The work of a practical nurse is diverse, often demanding, because the practical nurse meets the patient in their everyday life. Therefore, in addition to extensive expertise, a special can-do attitude is also needed.

Practical nurses are extremely valuable professionals whose well-being is important to us. We are happy to listen to the views and suggestions of our nurses in order to offer an even better life to our customers. Practical nurses have comprehensive and diverse expertise, whether it is quality care, interaction skills, smooth everyday routines or taking care of our customers.

We’re on a lifelong mission. If you feel the same way, come and work with us.


Understanding comes from empathy

Lähihoitaja Essi ja Nelli Orell

Sometimes we catch up and talk. Sometimes we just listen. A practical nurse knows the needs of the customers and understands them. Friendships are often made too.

Discover what social media influencer Nelli Orell found out about the work of a practical nurse after visiting practical nurse Essi’s workplace in Ykköskoti, which is home to substance abuse and mental health rehabilitees.

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Care is the foundation of everything

Lähihoitaja Anna ja Mikael Renwall

A practical nurse closely monitors the health of the customers and also performs treatment measures such as wound care and rehabilitation. The work is responsible and requires precision and knowledge, but it is also very rewarding.

Discover what social media influencer Mikael Renwall found out about the work of a practical nurse after visiting practical nurse student Anna's workplace in Mainiokoti with elderly residents.

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Care is caring

Lähihoitaja Miska ja Rosanna Kulju

Practical nurses have a special responsibility for the basic needs of people and the cleanliness of the living environment. Care is present in every moment.

Find out what social media influencer Rosanna Kulju got out of working as a practical nurse after she familiarised herself with the working day of Kotipalvelu Mehiläinen's home care practical nurse Miska.

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Everyday life is not just routines

Lähihoitaja Cassandra ja Dokke Tas

The daily work of a practical nurse includes, among other things, recording, organising and arranging reports, but also challenging situations and decisions that require prioritisation, for which you will receive the necessary training and support from your supervisor and team.

Discover what social media influencer Dokke Tas found out about the work of a practical nurse after visiting practical nurse student Cassandra's workplace in Onnikoti for the disabled and injured.

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Career opportunities for practical nurses at Mehiläinen

Whether you dream of working with children and young people, people with disabilities, the elderly or even the customer service of a medical clinic, Mehiläinen offers Finland's most comprehensive and flexible job opportunities for practical nurses and students.

With us, you get to use your professional skills extensively and develop your skills. We invest in the well-being of our employees at work and you are well taken care of. You are an important and valuable part of our team, and your supervisor is there to support you in your everyday life.

You are most welcome to work with us! Find out about job opportunities for practical nurses at Mehiläinen.


Mehiläisen sosiaalipalveluyritysten logot


Accordion items
Mainiokodit - Residential care services for the elderly

Mainiokodit logo

Mainiokodit homes provide housing and care services for the elderly in order to improve care for the elderly in Finland. We make it possible for each and every one of our residents to live a personalised and good life. Our goal is to be the quality leader in the industry and the sector's most attractive workplace.

At Mainiokoti, you will be able to carry out everyday nursing work and develop the operations of our unit in cooperation with other team members. Great jobs all over Finland – check out our job vacancies!

Check our job vacancies

Onnikodit - Residential care services for the disabled

Onnikodit logo

The mission of Onnikoti homes is to enable the residents of services for people with disabilities to lead an individual and active life. Those in need are provided with a home, where they can enjoy the most fulfilling and safe daily life possible.

In Onnikoti homes, you get to work in a wide range of interesting tasks. We invest particularly in employee orientation and everyone has the opportunity to influence the operations of the unit.

At Onnikoti homes, we make everyday life unique every day. Come and do valuable work in housing services for people with disabilities!

Check our job vacancies

Ykköskodit - Housing services for substance abuse and mental health rehabilitees

Ykköskodit logo

In Ykköskodit homes, we work together to build a better tomorrow. We offer individual rehabilitation as well as a home from which the residents can strive towards a more independent life. In the Ykköskodit homes, mental health and substance abuse rehabilitees are encountered with understanding and empathy. We want to communicate the overall appreciation and the good encounters with the customer, as well as the support of a personalised life for each individual.

Employees are respectful of fellow travellers who are not there to make decisions for the resident. Together, we create a good interaction in which the rehabilitation process is shared. This is also reflected in the training sessions, the content of which is studied together with the customers.

Top jobs in the housing services for mental health and substance abuse rehabilitees – check out our open positions!

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Familar - Child welfare services 

Familar logo

Our mission in Familar is to build a better future by advancing the well-being of children and families together with them. We provide a wide range of highly effective child welfare services from light open family care services to specialised institutional care services.

In Familar, practical nurses are an important part of the everyday lives of children and young people and they work as part of a multi-professional working group. Come and do some impressive child protection work at Familar!

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Kotipalvelu Mehiläinen - Working at the customer's home

Kotipalvelu Mehiläinen

Home care provides individual support for the elderly in everyday activities
We also offer support for arranging free time for family carers. Work in home care includes traditional nursing, medical procedures, medical treatment, and the monitoring and assessment of the customer’s service needs. The work also includes a lot of cooperation with the customer and their relatives. The work is partly mobile, so you usually need a driving licence for home care work.

In home care, we offer comprehensive orientation to each of our employees and with us you can genuinely influence the planning of work shifts. Get to know the work of a practical nurse in home care and nursing services.

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Services for people with disabilities offer non-urgent work for practical nurses
Would you like to do non-urgent and personal care work, where you can focus on only one patient during your shift? This is what it's like to work in a respiratory paralysis care team.

The key role of the nurse is to support the customer's breathing with the help of a ventilator. We offer comprehensive and personalised orientation to this job, and no previous experience in the use of ventilators is required. The job also includes medication management, basic care and nutrition while accompanying the patient. Find out more about the job as told by practical nurse Nella.

Learn more about home care and nursing services

Nursing services for hire – Versatile temporary work

Nursing services for hire gives you variety and freedom at work

Are you looking for a job where you can learn new skills? In Mehiläinen's nurse staffing services, we offer you a wide range of diverse work tasks at our various work sites.

In temporary work, you are able to influence where and when you work. We offer different forms of employment, from which you can choose the right one for your life situation. In Mehiläinen's nurse staffing services, we offer shifts in, for example, service houses and housing units, home care and wards.

Watch the video to see what practical nurse Nea has to say about her temporary work in nurse staffing services and read more on our website.

Check out the nursing services for hire

Working at Mehiläinen medical clinics

At Mehiläinen's medical clinics, a practical nurse does service desk and customer service work in the reception and by telephone. In addition, practical nurses participate in patient work as an assistant and independently, where applicable, and take care of the customer's treatment path in a comprehensive manner.

Working at the customer service centre

The customer service centre of a Mehiläinen medical clinic is the heart of Mehiläinen, where we serve our customers by phone in a wide range of matters nationwide. Our offices are located in Turku, Pori, Vaasa, Porvoo and Helsinki.

Our service advisors help find the best possible expert and service for our customer. Find out about the diverse work of our service advisors.

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Working in public healthcare services in Harjun terveys in Päijät-Häme, Siikalatva or Länsi-Pohja Central Hospital in Kemi

In Harjun terveys in Päijät-Häme, a practical nurse works in the health and social services centre's clinics and in service counselling. Practical nurses conduct independent consultations to treat wounds, remove stitches, flush the ears and conduct hearing tests. They also have ancillary tasks, such as assisting doctors in procedures.

In Siikalava, work is available for practical nurses in the acute care ward of the health centre, in family work and in home and housing services for the elderly. You can also be a part of the Timanttitiimi team, in which you get to work in all of these! And best of all, you can change between tasks smoothly without having to change employers.

Länsi-Pohja Central Hospital in Kemi offers practical nurses opportunities to work in specialised health care in wards.


Our practical nurse campaign is the Recruitment Campaign of the Year

Our “Practical nurses are on a lifelong mission” campaign won the Recruitment Campaign of the Year category at the Rekrygaala event. The aim of the campaign was to describe the diverse job opportunities for practical nurses and to increase the attractiveness of the sector and the appreciation of the profession also in the eyes of the general public. In their daily work, practical nurses demonstrate their diverse expertise, whether it is quality care, interaction skills, everyday routines or taking care of customers.

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Job vacancies for practical nurses

See job vacancies for practical nurses on our Finnish page.

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The practical nurse is literally close to the person they care for and you can give small part of ruoself to the customers in each encounter. It is rewarding and meaningful work in which we meet people genuinely and make life worth living.
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