Opening hours for time booking
Our phone service is open every day around the clock.

<p>The Mehil&auml;inen Messukeskus testing station is a drive-in station where you do not need to exit your vehicle, thereby minimising the risk of infection. The station works on an appointment-free basis and you can visit the station at any time during the opening hours.</p>
<p>The coronavirus tests performed at the station are PCR analyses of nasal cavity samples. The tests are performed by Finnish parties in cooperation between Mehil&auml;inen and Vita Laboratoriot Oy.</p>
<p>Please see the instructions on how to access the station and other instructions before coming to be tested.</p>

Arrival instructions

<p>The station is located in Messukeskus Helsinki parking garage at level 4. Entrance only from parking area. <br /><strong>We don't operate inside Messukeskus faciltilies.</strong></p>
<p>The station can be accessed from the north entrance at Ratapihantie 17.</p>
<p>From Ratapihantie, take the turn towards Messuparkki and follow the signs leading to the 4th floor. Please note that the maximum allowable vehicle height is 2.4 metres.</p>
<p>The station is not suitable for persons with reduced mobility (lots of stairs).</p>
<p>You can access the station by car, a taxi, on foot or by bike.</p>
<p>Bikes can be parked on the ground level in the parking garage or in the area.</p>

Ratapihantie 17
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