
Rupture of the shoulder rotator cuff

The rotator cuff is a name for the four tendons that surround and move the shoulder, which, together, form a uniform spherical structure around the shoulder.

Rupture of the rotator cuff surrounding the shoulder joint is a fairly common injury in people over 50 years of age. In working-age people, the cuff is slightly more easily injured, for example, in situations where the upper limb is extended under the body when falling. Another typical injury mechanism is a sudden jerk, for example, when grasping a railing when falling down a staircase.


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Nerve compression

Noin joka kolmannella yli 30-vuotiaalla on niska-hartiaseudun kipuja ja jopa 80 prosentilla on selkäkipuja jossain vaiheessa elämäänsä. Pelkästään niskaan tai selkään kohdistuvia kipuja ei yleensä voida hoitaa kirurgisesti.