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Osaamisalue (oaid)
  • The treatment of varicose veins is individual. Book an appointment with a vascular surgeon to determine the most suitable treatment method for you.
  • There are several alternatives for the treatment of varicose veins: foam sclerotherapy, laser treatment, mechanochemical ablation (MOCA), surgery and phlebectomy.
Toimipisteet-osion otsikko
UKK-osion otsikko
Frequently asked questions about varicose veins

Varicose veins are not necessarily symptomatic at an early stage, but the symptoms typically become worse over time.

For example, you may suffer from:

  • aesthetically disturbing lumpy bulges and visible blood vessels in the legs
  • swollen legs
  • itching in the lower leg
  • feeling of pressure in the legs
  • muscle cramps in the legs
  • painful varicose veins
  • calluses on the leg
  • hard, tender and red superficial blood clot in the varicose vein

Varicose veins occur when the valves of the veins fail and blood starts flowing in the wrong direction, i.e. from the top down. The vein expands and generates a nasty-looking and sometimes painful varicose vein.

It is not exactly known why some suffer from varicose veins while others do not. In most cases, family history is present in the background, but pregnancy, obesity and low physical activity are also predisposing factors to varicose veins.

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Varicose veins - symptoms vary
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Varicose veins symptoms

If you are bothered by varicose veins, do not hesitate to book an appointment.

Not only can varicose veins be an aesthetic nuisance, but they are also often accompanied by swelling, itching, a feeling of pressure, muscle cramps and pain in the legs.

You should always see a doctor if a superficial blood clot in the varicose vein has developed. In this case, the vein is hard, tender and red.

At worst, untreated varicose veins can even lead to a leg ulcer. The initial symptoms of leg ulcers are pigmentation on the leg, that is, a brownish colour on the skin, a rash and calluses on the skin. Therefore, if your varicose veins are associated with skin lesions, a doctor's assessment of the situation is always appropriate - preferably at an early stage.

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Varicose veins - when should you see a doctor?
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When should you see a doctor?

You can see your varicose veins in the legs as bulging lumps, but the cause of them, the trunk veins, cannot be seen with the eyes. Therefore, an ultrasound examination is needed first.

An ultrasound examination by a vascular surgeon will ensure the accurate treatment of varicose veins as it will determine which method is best for you.

Of course, an ultrasound examination does not obligate you to anything. You can take your time to think about it.

The treatment of varicose veins is tailored for you on the basis of the ultrasound examination and your own wishes.

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Varicose veins treatment - tailored for you
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Varicose veins treatment

At Mehiläinen, we treat varicose veins with a variety of proven methods. We often combine different modes of treatment to achieve the best possible outcome.

  • Foam sclerotherapy for varicose veins is suitable for small, curved veins or recurrent varicose veins. Foam sclerotherapy is also suitable as a complementary treatment alongside other methods as well as for getting rid of nasty-looking spider veins.
  • Laser treatment of varicose veins is suitable for almost everyone as a first mode of treatment and sometimes even if the varicose veins have recurred. Superficial bumps or very curved veins should not be treated with laser.
  • Phlebectomy is an appropriate method for long, curved varicose veins that are close to the surface of the skin. This form of treatment is typically used alongside laser treatment.
  • Varicose vein surgery is rarely needed today. It is an appropriate mode of treatment if the trunk vein is particularly large and superficial.

All methods are safe. The surgeon will discuss the risks and possible side effects associated with different treatments, thankfully quite minor, with you.

Recovery is fast and the risk of recurrence of varicose veins is low when the treatment is chosen correctly.  
In most cases, you will be discharged after a short monitoring period. For home care, your surgeon may recommend that you wear a compression sock for a few days.

Sick leave is not necessary after foam sclerotherapy. If laser treatment is performed, 1–2 days of sick leave may be necessary. If you have undergone an extensive phlebectomy or varicose vein surgery, the sick leave period will be longer.

The specialist interviewed for the article was our vascular surgeon Anders Albäck.

Get to know Mehiläinen's vascular surgery team (in Finnish).

CTA-painikkeen tyyli
Näytä sisällysluettelossa
Varicose vein surgery - or maybe foam sclerotherapy or laser treatment?
Teksti sisällysluettelossa
Varicose vein surgery

The price of treatment depends on the method chosen, the severity of venous insufficiency, the size of the area to be treated and the number of treatment sessions. In the long run, the cheapest option is the method that best suits your condition.

You will get a cost estimate of the treatment at the examination appointment so there will be no unpleasant surprises.

See our price list. Our flexible payment methods allow for high-quality treatment of varicose veins in a wide range of situations.

CTA-painikkeen tyyli
Näytä sisällysluettelossa
Varicose vein treatment—the price?
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Sivukohtainen UKK
What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are enlarged veins under the skin that result from venous insufficiency.

What helps with varicose veins?

You cannot cure varicose veins by yourself, but you can try to control the symptoms by looking after your weight, exercising, wearing compression socks and avoiding prolonged standing.

A vascular surgeon can treat varicose veins with, for example, foam sclerotherapy, laser treatment, phlebectomy or varicose vein surgery. The surgeon will determine the best method for treating varicose veins.

What are the symptoms of varicose veins?

The most common symptoms associated with varicose veins are lumpy bulges and visible blood vessels, swelling and feeling of pressure, muscle cramps and itching in the legs and varicose vein pain.

How to get rid of varicose veins?

Varicose veins can be treated with many different methods. A vascular surgeon will perform an ultrasound examination to find out which treatment is ideal for you.

If you have small, slightly curved varicose veins, foam sclerotherapy may be a sufficient method.

Laser treatment may be the most effective treatment when treating varicose veins for the first time and, in some cases, if the varicose veins are recurring. Superficial bumps or very curved varicose veins should not be treated with laser.

If you have a very large, curved, superficial varicose vein, it can be removed in a procedure called phlebectomy. Varicose veins are treated with surgery very rarely.

Radiofrequency ablation is similar to laser therapy. It is mainly a question of selecting the proper equipment: some units use laser while others prefer radiofrequency ablation.

Less common methods of treating varicose veins are mechanochemical ablation (MOCA) and glue treatment. Many units do not use these modes of treatment as other modes usually lead to a better outcome.

What about varicose veins during pregnancy?

Varicose veins during pregnancy are common. Try wearing compression socks or stockings to relieve the symptoms.

If you have varicose veins after pregnancy, book an appointment with a vascular surgeon for an ultrasound examination.

Varicose veins at a young age?

Varicose veins become more common with age, but even young people can have varicose veins.

How to treat varicose veins at home?

Weight management, exercise, avoiding prolonged standing and wearing compression stockings are ways with which you can try to alleviate the symptoms associated with varicose veins, such as swelling of the legs. However, compression socks do not cure varicose veins and they cannot be used to prevent varicose veins.

Bleeding from a varicose vein—has the vein burst?

Varicose veins under the skin do not burst. In some cases, small, dark blue bulges, typically in the ankles, may bleed.  If this occurs, lift your leg up and press down on the bleeding area. If the bleeding does not stop, head to your local emergency clinic. After this, the venous aneurysm should be treated with foam sclerotherapy.

How can I prevent varicose veins?

It is generally believed that varicose veins are hereditary.

You can try to delay the onset of varicose veins with a healthy lifestyle. The pressure in the blood vessels of the limbs can be controlled by avoiding obesity. You can strengthen your blood circulation and vascular system with regular exercise.

Varicose veins and blood clots—is the risk elevated?

Varicose veins only slightly increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis.

There may be a blood clot in the varicose vein, called a superficial blood clot. In this case, the varicose vein becomes hard, tender, and sore and it can also turn red.

A blood clot in a superficial vein is typically harmless, but you should see a doctor if you have any symptoms. If you the blood clot is large, you will need a blood thinner. After this, the varicose veins must also be treated.

What about varicose veins in the genital area?

Varicose veins around the vulva may occur especially during pregnancy. Talk about the matter with a gynaecologist.

Men may experience varicose veins in the testicles, in the scrotum. These are evaluated by urologists.


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Varicose veins - symptoms and treatment
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Swelling, itching and nasty-looking blood vessels and lumps in the legs—varicose veins hinder life. Mehiläinen's individual treatment of varicose veins will make your legs light, smooth and painless. Read more.

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Palvelut-osion otsikko
Appointment with a vascular surgeon

An ultrasound examination carried out by a vascular surgeon guarantees precise treatment of varicose veins, where the most suitable treatment method is determined for you.

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Varicose veins treatment in a nutshell
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Swelling, itching and nasty-looking blood vessels and lumps in the legs—varicose veins hinder life. Mehiläinen's individual treatment of varicose veins will make your legs light, smooth and painless.
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