Is your child sick? Children's Mehiläinen provides information on supporting a good childhood with the support of our experts. If you have any concerns about your child's health, we're here for you.

Doctor's appointment

Children's Mehiläinen provides you with the building blocks of a good childhood. In addition to our paediatricians, you have access to the services of our specialists.


Digital Clinic

You can get help with your children's health issues without an appointment from the OmaMehiläinen Digital Clinic, where doctors and nurses help around the clock.



Digineuvolan eli digitaalinen neuvolachatin avulla saat tukea ja neuvoja ilman ajanvarausta, kun fyysistä tutkimusta tai lääkäriä ei tarvita. Löydät Digineuvolan OmaMehiläinen-sovelluksesta.

Lue lisää

Lasten hammastarkastus

Lasten ja nuorten hammaslääkärit ovat erikoistuneet lasten ja nuorten suun ja hampaiston kehitykseen, hammashoidon toimenpiteisiin sekä hammashoitopelkoon.

Lue lisää

Children's Mehiläinen

Childhood consists of a variety of factors – Children’s Mehiläinen provides you with the building blocks of a good childhood. In addition to our paediatricians, you have access to the services of our otorhinolaryngologists and other experts. If you have any concerns about your child's health, we're here for you.

You can contact us through the OmaMehiläinen Digital Clinic, where doctors and nurses provide help without an appointment. We also treat small as well as bigger patients through remote appointments and at our medical clinics around Finland with more than 110 years of experience.




Families with children recommend Mehiläinen

The higher the score, the more families with children will recommend Mehiläinen to others.

Children's diseases and accidents


Inflammation of the ear

Inflammation of the ear is a common disease in infants and young children, often appearing as a sequel of the flu.


Skin problems

Various types of rashes are very common in childhood the causes and symptoms of which may be due in part to, for example, atopic dermatitis or allergies.



The most common causes of allergic reactions are pollen, animal dust, and certain foods. Allergic symptoms vary in a child depending on age.



Fever in a baby or child is always a symptom of something and therefore, the fever should be monitored. If the fever persists, you should see a doctor.


Stomach diseases

The majority of cases of diarrhea and diseases that cause vomiting in children are caused by viruses. Most important treatment is to maintain fluid balance.


Poxvirus diseases

Poxvirus diseases in children are associated with fever and various skin symptoms. With the exception of scarlet fever, poxvirus diseases are caused by viruses.

Suorakorvaus muumi

If Direct Reimbursement – pay only the deductible

When a child has been insured with If Child Insurance, you will only pay the possible deductible when accessing Mehiläinen's services. We will submit a claim for compensation on your behalf. If Direct Reimbursement can also be granted for Digital Clinic appointments.


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