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The Children’s Mehiläinen info package is a useful resource when visiting a doctor with your child or a young person.

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Frequently asked questions about visiting a doctor with a child
  1. Book an appointment with a specialist of your choice. Learn more about our paediatricians on our doctors’ pages.
  2. Please book a separate appointment for each child so that the doctor has sufficient time for the necessary examinations and treatments. It is a good idea to book several appointment slots in a row. By booking appointments for several family members at the same time, you can save on outpatient fees.
  3. When booking, please check that your own information as a guardian is up-to-date.
  4. Please remember to bring the child’s Kela card and information about any medication that the child uses or allergies that he or she may have. If the child is very young, you can also bring the child health clinic card.
CTA-painikkeen tyyli
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What to do when visiting a doctor or arriving for a procedure with a child or young person
Teksti sisällysluettelossa
Instructions for visiting a doctor

If you are bringing a child to a doctor’s appointment, we recommend that you discuss the appointment with the child in advance. If you wish, you can read our advice on how to tell the child about a doctor’s appointment, vaccinations x-ray examinations or laboratory tests.

CTA-painikkeen tyyli
Näytä sisällysluettelossa
Telling the child about the doctor

We recommend that children and young people under 18 are accompanied by a parent or support person during the appointment. Apart from supporting the patient, the parent or support person may also need to know about any necessary further treatments.

However, the visit can be arranged so that the child or young person has an appointment, visits the laboratory or has a procedure by themselves while being able to reach the parent or support person if necessary.

CTA-painikkeen tyyli
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Parents’ and support persons’ company
Sivukohtainen UKK
When should I take my child to a doctor?

For how long should I monitor my child’s fever at home? When should I visit a doctor with my child? These are questions that parents tend to worry about when their child is ill. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about children and illnesses.

At Mehiläinen, children can be helped by, in addition to our paediatricians, general practitioners and otorhinolaryngologists. If you have any questions about your child’s health, you can always come and discuss it with a doctor.

Remember that you can also use Digital Clinic anywhere and at any time at your convenience.

Go to Digital Clinic

What are the most common reasons to seek medical attention for a child?

The most common reasons for booking a doctor’s appointment for a child include fever, earache, colic, stomach problems and skin symptoms. Other typical issues also include suspected allergies, pox, molluscum contagiosum infections, skin problems and various accidents such as concussion, bruises, wounds and sprains.

Book an appointment with a paediatrician

Learn more:
Accompanying a child to the doctor

If the only symptom is fever, should I be worried?

Fever in itself is not dangerous, but it is always a symptom of an underlying issue. If your child has high fever, it is recommended to monitor their condition and ensure that they drink lots of water (not juice or beverages). If the child experiences any additional symptoms, such as symptoms of the skin or convulsions, it is time to see a doctor. Please remember that it is common that children can experience very high fever very acutely without any additional cause for alarm. It is perfectly fine to “treat” the fever at home for some time. Recommended modes of helping the child cope with the fever include rest, monitoring, light clothing and ventilating indoors. However, the situation must be monitored and appropriate actions must be taken if the condition develops.

Book an appointment with a general practitioner

Learn more:
Fever in children

My child or baby has a cold. What kinds of symptoms require medical attention?

If a high fever persists for several days, a doctor’s appointment should be booked in order to diagnose the child’s condition. Correspondingly, if the child’s or baby’s cold symptoms occur in the lungs (intense/whooping cough) or the ears or the secretion of mucus increases and it becomes thicker, a doctor’s appointment is in order. In addition, if the cold symptoms seem to persist and there are no signs of relief, you should take your child to see a doctor. It is also recommended to see a doctor if there are difficulties in breastfeeding or feeding the baby.

Book an appointment with a paediatrician

What symptoms can be monitored at home without the need for a doctor’s appointment? And for how long?

All changes in the child’s condition can and must be monitored, but if there are sudden changes such as shortness of breath or issues with consciousness, you should contact a doctor immediately. Some changes can be explained by the growth of the child, but if the development seems to be negative rather than positive, it is important to contact a doctor as soon as possible. As long as the child remains interested in their surroundings, there is no cause for alarm.

Book an appointment with a general practitioner

How can I know that my baby is sick and might require medical attention?
  • The baby cries more than usual
  • The skin of the baby feels hot
  • The baby is restless
  • The colour of the baby’s skin is red
  • The baby is lethargic, unresponsive to stimuli or sensitive to touch
  • The baby has trouble breathing
  • The baby has a loss of appetite
  • The baby is not interested in their surroundings
  • The cries of the baby due to pain are more intense than usual and they cannot be calmed or interacted with in the normal manner.

Book an appointment with a paediatrician

When should I become worried about my child’s headache? What are the possible causes of the headache?

If the child says or complains that they have a headache, it is always good to inspect the situation thoroughly. Has the child fallen or hit their head? The headache can be caused by an accident or issues with the eyes or ears, for example. In the case of an accident, it is recommended to contact a doctor. It is advisable to see a doctor if the headache involves nausea, vision disorders or confusion.

Book an appointment with a general practitioner

Learn more:
Headache in children and young people

What are the possible causes of diarrhoea and vomiting?

Diarrhoea and vomiting can be caused by a viral infection, allergic reaction to food, diet changes or a medication, for example. Antibiotics are known to cause stomach issues, for instance.

Book an appointment with a paediatrician

Learn more:
Stomach flu in children

My child does not want to eat and feels tired. When should I become worried?

Monitoring the child’s condition is extremely important. In some cases, the loss of appetite can be a sign of a developing disease, but it is also possible that the child has had a snack they were not allowed to eat, which is why they do not feel hungry. It is important to monitor the situation and ensure that the child drinks sufficient amounts of water. If the situation does not change by the following day, ask your child if they have any pains and if they have managed to urinate and defecate normally. However, if it seems that the child is in pain on the same day as the loss of appetite occurs, you should contact a doctor. Children should be taught to observe regular meal times already when they are little in order to avoid any unnecessary snacks.

Book an appointment with a paediatrician

Learn more:
Special diets and families with children—basic facts you should know

What are the symptoms of a urinary tract infection in children?

If the child is still uses diapers, it is difficult to say whether the need to urinate is more frequent than normally, but frequent urination might be a symptom in older children.

However, the most common symptoms are:

  • fever
  • loss of appetite
  • a sensitive stomach

In some cases, urination might cause a stinging sensation, and the child is unwilling to go to the toilet and might end up crying just because they have to pee. There may not be any abnormal scents or colours in the urine. If the urine is dark or smells stronger than usually, it may be a result of dehydration, and the child needs to drink more.

Book an appointment with a paediatrician

Learn more:
Urinary tract infections in children

My child has had a rash for a few days. What types of rashes need further examination?

This depends on the location, spreading and itchiness of the rash. If the rash is not itchy, applying a skin cream and letting the skin breathe are recommended in addition to monitoring the situation for a couple of days.

If the rash is itchy and/or the skin under the rash is wounded, i.e. interstitial fluid or blood oozes from the wound, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. You should also see a doctor if the child has been prescribed a medication that causes a rash/redness of the skin and/or itchiness.

Book an appointment with a general practitioner

Learn more:
Common skin problems in children

I have a one-year-old child who seems to have a continuous infection of some sort. What are the possible causes of this?

Possible causes of a recurring infection include:

  • Weak immunity due to antibiotic treatment, for example
  • Excessive cleanliness or hygiene
  • Allergic reaction to a food, detergent or animal
  • Narrow ear canals or other reasons related to the child’s anatomy

Book an appointment with a paediatrician

Learn more:
Infections in children

How can I make my child feel more comfortable before a doctor’s appointment?

Children with high fever: dress the child in light clothing, ensure that they drink lots of water (not juice or beverages) and give them Paracetamol if the fever is very high and the child does not have any medication allergies.

Children with earache: apply analgaesic ear drops (prescription-free products available in pharmacies, do not apply if the eardrum is ruptured) and tell the child to maintain a semi-upright sitting position.

Pox: depending on the child’s age, consider applying a prescription-free antihistamine product that will help with itching or various creams, including cortisone and liniments. Please remember to pay attention to any possible medication allergies, the age of the child and the status of their skin (do not apply these products on wounded skin).

Stomach issues/colic: use prescription-free probiotic products and stomach-friendly foods, such as porridge/gruel, i.e. foods that can be digested easily and are flavour-neutral.

Skin symptoms: apply creams, dress the child in loose and soft clothing and let the skin breathe.

Book an appointment with a paediatrician

Watch an instructional video featuring paediatrician, docent Tero Kontiokari on when you should seek medical attention for your child.

How can the child’s immunity be improved?
  • By observing a healthy and diverse diet
  • By washing the child’s hands normally (do not use excessive amounts of disinfectants, only when travelling and during epidemics)
  • By exercising and engaging in outdoor activities
  • By allowing the child to become occasionally in contact with dirt
  • Through the use of probiotics
  • By maintaining the well-being of the child’s skin, i.e. avoiding excessive bathing and applying skin creams whenever needed

Book an appointment with a paediatrician

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When should you take your child to see a doctor?
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When should you take your child to a doctor? Read our frequently asked questions about the illnesses of children and visiting a doctor. Learn more and book an appointment!

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Paediatrician’s appointments

Mehiläinen’s paediatricians are here to help you.

General practitioner’s appointments

Our general practitioners will also help you if necessary.

Emergency services

Mehiläinen's emergency services are here to help you in your time of need.

Digital Clinic 24/7

Digital Clinic is open every around the clock in the OmaMehiläinen app. Digital Clinic provides help for symptoms and diseases that do not require a physical examination. Quick access to treatment without an appointment.


Digineuvolassa voit kysyä lapsen hoitoon tai vanhemmuuteen liittyen. Koulutetut kätilöt ja hoitajat ovat tukenasi 24/7, joko kertamaksulla tai kiinteään kuukausihintaan.

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When should you take your child to see a doctor?
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