COVID-19 test for children

Children can also become infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus. Children can easily become infected with omicron, the latest variant. Children and young people in good general health are still at a low risk of developing severe COVID-19.


Learn more:
COVID-19 and variants

When should you take your child to a COVID-19 test?

If you suspect that your child may be infected with COVID-19 or has symptoms of a mild respiratory infection, such as:

  • a runny nose
  • cough
  • sore throat
  • muscle pain
  • or fever

If you need a doctor's evaluation, please contact our customer service 010 414 00 or make an appointment at the unit through our appointment booking service.

If your child has been issued with a referral for a COVID-19 test, find the drive-in testing station closest to you and bring your child to the station. Please note that a referral is always required for a COVID-19 test.


Digital Clinic is open 24/7

If you only need a COVID-19 test, you can also contact Digital Clinic. In order to use the services on behalf of your underage child or family member, you must first create a family profile. With a family profile, you can see both your own and your family members' health information in one place. You can also book appointments for them, renew their prescriptions and view their test results.

With regard to COVID-19, you can start a chat in Digital Clinic on the channel for respiratory tract symptoms or COVID-19 tests and then select the person on behalf of whom you are using the service.


Read the detailed instructions

How should my child and I prepare ourselves for the COVID-19 test?

The COVID-19 test is typically performed on adults and children by analysing a sample from deep inside the patient's nasopharynx taken with a flexible cotton swab. The cotton bud used for small children is thinner than the one used for bigger children and adults. The child should blow their nose before the test. If the child cannot blow their own nose, wiping the nose is sufficient.

The child may be nervous about the sampling, so the parent should tell the child the basics about the sampling.

The following matters, for example, should be explained to the child:

  • The sample is taken from the nose with a cotton swab.
  • The sampling may feel unpleasant, but it only takes a couple of seconds.
  • It is important to perform the COVID-19 test, which means that the sample must be taken even though it might not feel pleasant.

You should not downplay the unpleasantness of the test for the child, but unnecessary intimidation should be avoided. The parents know what is best for their child and know how and what to tell the child about the sampling.

COVID-19 tests for children – follow these steps

Taking a COVID-19 sample may be a new and exciting situation also for adults. It is important that the parent also remains calm and remembers to breathe. When the adult behaves calmly, the child will usually also calm down.

  1. The parent should take the child on their lap during the sampling to make the sampling smoother.
  2. The cotton bud may tickle the child’s nose and cause the child to move their head, but the head must be held steady in order for the sampling to succeed.
  3. It is important for the parent to hold the child in place by holding the child’s hands with one hand and using the other hand to support the forehead.


Does the child’s medical expense insurance cover the COVID-19 test?

In most cases, the child’s medical expense insurance will cover the COVID-19 test when a doctor has issued a referral to the test and it is performed as a part of a treatment process. Check the child’s insurance terms and conditions or insurance company to determine whether the COVID-19 test is covered by the child’s insurance and whether you have an approval for direct invoicing for the visit.

When and where can I see the child’s test result?

In most cases, the COVID-19 test result is available in 1–2 days. The COVID-19 test result is available in the OmaMehiläinen service as soon as the laboratory analysis is completed. Test results will usually be ready in 1–2 days from the time of sampling, including weekends. We analyse tests 24/7, so the result may also show in OmaMehiläinen in the middle of the night.


Download the OmaMehiläinen app to access the service on your phone. You can also use the online version of OmaMehiläinen.

In order for you to see the test results of underaged children in OmaMehiläinen, you have to create a family profile. Read the instructions for creating a family profile

More information about Mehiläinen’s COVID-19 tests and the results of COVID–19 tests.

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare website contains up-to-date information about testing children for COVID-19, early childhood education and returning to school.

Learn more:
Children and COVID-19 (THL)

Experts in the article: Petri Koponen, Doctor of Medical Science, specialist in paediatrics and Emmi Leskinen, bioanalyst.

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