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Osaamisalue (oaid)
  • Neurological physiotherapy is suitable for anyone with a complicated everyday life due to a neurological disability or illness.  
  • Neurological rehabilitation and physiotherapy are always planned based on your individual needs.  
  • Welcome to neurological physiotherapy – with a referral or at your own expense. Book an appointment for neurological physiotherapy here.
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Frequently asked questions about neurological physiotherapy

Neurological physiotherapy is suitable for anyone who wants to find ways to live their own life with – and despite – any neurological diseases, injuries or developmental delays or disabilities.

Neurological physiotherapy may be useful for these neurological diseases:

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Neurological physiotherapy – who is it for?
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What is neurological physiotherapy?

Neurological rehabilitation helps with small and large challenges – whatever is important to you.

Perhaps your goal is to be able to move outside on your own, play with your child or find a way to wash yourself without assistance. Or maybe you are looking for ways to do housework or write by hand.

Here’s how our physiotherapists work with you to solve everyday challenges:  

  • Physiotherapeutic training. We can alleviate symptoms caused by muscle weakness or excessive stiffness, for example, through hand function training, balance training or walking training at an appointment or in a therapy pool. Many of our clinics have an accessible gym and modern equipment. Learn more about our facilities and equipment on the pages of our locations.
  • Manual and physical therapy. We apply a variety of physical means and manual methods to support you in reaching your goals, including pain relief, reducing swelling, increasing movement restrictions and stimulating muscle function.
  • Solutions and aids. As the goal is to help you cope with daily activities, we provide rehabilitation where you spend your time: at home, at work, in kindergarten or in school. We look for concrete ways, alternative movements and aids to help you cope with the things that matter to you.
  • Advice and counselling. We also work closely with your loved ones. We always consider your and your family's life situation and resources as the basis.
  • Motivation. In neurological physiotherapy, the motivation of the person undergoing rehabilitation is important. We will gently help you move forward and work with you to find motivation even when the training feels difficult, your life is in transition or you are facing other challenges.
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Neurological rehabilitation is about finding solutions
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Rehabilitation is about finding solutions

In neurological physiotherapy, you are an active learner in undergoing rehabilitation and you define what you want to achieve through rehabilitation.

Here is how neurological physiotherapy proceeds:

  1. Initial interview. At your first appointment, you will be able to tell the therapist about yourself and your wishes, strengths and interests. You will outline your functional capacity, everyday needs and areas of mobility together.
  2. Treatment plan. The physiotherapist will prepare a treatment plan with you based on your needs and wishes, which will also include the goals of treatment, that is, the concrete things that you want to improve in your everyday life.
  3. Exercises, aids and solutions. The physiotherapist will personally guide you in performing various exercises and seek solutions and tools with you for the challenges you face in everyday life. You can see the physiotherapist at an appointment, an accessible gym, a therapy pool, at home, at work, in school or in kindergarten, for example.
  4. Self-training. Active self-training between physiotherapist appointments is a key component of neurological physiotherapy. You will receive individual and supportive instructions from your physiotherapist. We are also happy to help you find motivation if there you have challenges with self-training.
  5. Outcome follow-up. We will monitor your progress on a regular basis and adjust the treatment plan as necessary.  
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Neurological physiotherapy – individual help for everyday challenges
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Here is how neurological physiotherapy proceeds

Fysios Mehiläinen is the largest therapeutic company specialising in Kela’s intensive medical rehabilitation in Finland. We provide comprehensive neurological physiotherapy and rehabilitation services effortlessly under the same roof.

At Fysios Mehiläinen, a trained, experienced and multidisciplinary team of top experts works in neurological rehabilitation and physiotherapy services. We work in close cooperation and always find the best treatment package just for you.

You can study the expertise of neurological rehabilitation and physiotherapy professionals in the specialist descriptions.

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Fysios Mehiläinen's neurological physiotherapy – education, experience and cooperation as guarantees of quality
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Education, experience and cooperation as guarantees of quality

Neurological physiotherapy is intensive medical rehabilitation, for which you can get a promissory note from Kela, the hospital district or the wellbeing services county.

You are also welcome to neurological physiotherapy at your own expense without a referral. If you are an insurance or occupational healthcare customer, please check whether you need a referral with your insurance company or occupational health contact person.

Check out our price list and payment methods to keep you safe in all sorts of life situations. Please note that you can also pay flexibly in instalments.

The specialist in this article was our physiotherapist Sirpa Lokko

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Neurological physiotherapy – flexible payment methods
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Price list and payment methods
Sivukohtainen UKK
What is neurological physiotherapy and neurological rehabilitation?

Neurological rehabilitation and physiotherapy improve mobility and functional capacity if they are limited due to a neurological illness or disability or developmental delay or disability.

Neurological rehabilitation and physiotherapy are provided based on the person's own wishes and needs. The activities support the person's independent coping, well-being and opportunities for participation in their own everyday life. 

Who is neurological physiotherapy suitable for?

Neurological physiotherapy is suitable for those who have limited mobility and functional capacity due to a neurological illness or disability.

Neurological diseases include, for example, cerebrovascular disorders, brain and spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, muscle diseases, ALS and various rare neurological diseases.

How happens in neurological physiotherapy?

Neurological physiotherapy can be carried out at an appointment in our clinics, in an accessible gym, in a therapy pool as well as in the places where the person needs help: at home, at work, in school or in kindergarten.

The methods used in neurological physiotherapy include therapeutic training, physical and manual therapy, rehabilitation and family guidance and assistive device services.

We provide comprehensive rehabilitation services effortlessly under the same roof. We work in multidisciplinary cooperation with other therapists, such as occupational therapists and speech therapists.

Neurological rehabilitation – Kela reimbursement and other promissory notes?

At Fysios Mehiläinen, you can use service vouchers issued or promissory notes received from Kela, the hospital district or wellbeing services county.

The Fysios Mehiläinen locations are rehabilitation facilities approved and audited by Kela.

See how to seek Kela's intensive medical rehabilitation through our physiotherapy services.

Our customer service on +358 (0)10 414 00 is also happy to help you find a suitable professional and book an appointment.

How can I access neurological physiotherapy?

You can receive neurological physiotherapy either with a doctor's referral and a promissory note or as a self-paying customer.

If you are an occupational healthcare or insurance customer, please check whether you need a referral with your occupational healthcare contact person or insurance company.

See how to seek Kela's intensive medical rehabilitation through our physiotherapy services.

Our customer service on +358 (0)10 414 00 is also happy to help you find a suitable professional and book an appointment.

Meta title
Neurological physiotherapy – individual help for everyday challenges
Meta description

When a neurological disability or illness makes it difficult to do the things that matter to you, neurological physiotherapy can be helpful. There is a wide variety of individual solutions.

Hinnasto-osion otsikko
Price list and payment
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Palvelut-osion otsikko
How to book an appointment
Neurological physiotherapist’s appointment

Our neurological physiotherapists have extensive experience of the challenges posed by neurological diseases and injuries. They will help you when you want to improve your mobility and functional capacity or find individual solutions for everyday life.

Learn more about our neurological physiotherapy specialists

Our customer service on +358 (0)10 414 00 is happy to help you find a suitable professional and book an appointment.

Kela physiotherapy

Neurological physiotherapy is intensive medical rehabilitation, for which you can get a promissory note from Kela, the hospital district or the wellbeing services county.

See how to seek Kela's intensive medical rehabilitation through our physiotherapy services.

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Neurological physiotherapy in brief
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Neurological physiotherapy helps to improve functional capacity if a neurological illness or injury is complicating your life. Neurological physiotherapists provide you with individual help in doing the things that matter to you.
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Neurological physiotherapy – providing support in your everyday life
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