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Dental prostheses, or artificial teeth, make your teeth intact and functional. There are many different types of dental prostheses, attachment methods and materials. Together with our dentist, you can find the right way to fix your dental problems.

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  • Missing teeth are replaced with dental prostheses or false teeth.
  • Crowns and veneers are permanently fixed to your own tooth. The crown can also be fixed to an artificial root screwed into the jawbone.
  • Removable dental prostheses are made as full dental prostheses or partial prostheses, depending on the amount of tooth loss.
  • Dental prostheses are always custom-made. Your dentist will work with you to design the solution that best meets your needs.
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Frequently asked questions about dental prosthetics or artificial denture

Dental prostheses may be a good idea if you are missing teeth and cannot enjoy eating normally. In addition, all dental prostheses can be used to improve the appearance of teeth that have become badly damaged.

Missing teeth can cause bone loss in the affected area. A missing tooth can also cause teeth adjacent to the empty space and the opposing tooth to move out of position in the mouth. This can later make it difficult to replace the missing tooth with a dental prosthesis – so it's worth getting the problem fixed early.

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Why dental prostheses or artificial denture?
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Why dental prostheses or artificial denture?

There are many different types of dental prostheses – generally they are divided into fixed and removable dentures. We will always find the right solution for your situation!

Fixed prostheses:

  • A crown is a fixed structure that fits over a tooth or implant screw and looks exactly like your own tooth.
  • A laminate is a lighter option than a crown and is suitable for treating the visible frontal area. A laminate covers the visible surface of your tooth when you smile.
  • A dental bridge replaces one or more missing teeth and is supported by your own teeth or implant screws.

Removable prostheses:

  • Partial prostheses is removable, and can be entirely acrylic or include a metal frame. The prosthesis rests on the oral mucosa or teeth and is held in place by metal hooks on the teeth. Partial dental prostheses are used when a large number of teeth are missing and a fixed prosthesis is not possible.
  • Complete prostheses are acrylic. At the top, it is held in place by a tight air seal against the ridges of the upper jaw, while the lower jaw prosthesis is held in place by the lower jaw ridges and gravity.
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Dental prostheses – What are the options?
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What are the options?

Dental prostheses are made step by step to ensure you get a prostheses that fits perfectly and looks like the real thing. This is how it's done:

  1. Basic oral care

    The first step is to start with the first stage of the prosthetic treatment. Before starting prosthetic treatment, your dentist will treat caries, gingivitis, periodontitis and other possible oral diseases. The dental hygienist removes tartar.
  2. A prosthetic examination and planning visit

    When considering dental prostheses, start by booking an appointment with your dentist. We will examine your situation and clarify your wishes to find the most suitable prosthetic treatment for you. We often take x-rays and design models to support the design, either digitally or by traditional reproduction.
  3. Prosthetic treatment

    Prosthetic treatment can take up to one and a half years to complete and require multiple visits. Sometimes it may be necessary to modify the jaw bone or soft tissue prior to inserting permanent implant screws. For the most demanding implant prosthetic work, we use digital 3D design to ensure the best possible treatment outcome and minimise risk.
    Preparation of the prostheses. In cooperation with your treating dentist, a dental technician in our dental laboratory will fabricate a dental prosthesis that fits your mouth perfectly and looks natural.
    Installation of prostheses. The dentist will fit the prosthesis in your mouth during your appointment. The fitting is painless. Properly prepared prosthesis will fit in your mouth. Your dentist will also provide you with clear instructions for home care. Finally, your dentist will tell you the appropriate interval for your check-up.
  4. Treatment follow-up and repairs

    Follow-up appointment. We will also take care of the situation in your mouth after the implantation of the prosthesis. Sometimes it is a good idea to check the fit of the dental prosthesis at a follow-up visit – with loose prostheses, problems can occur even if it feels right in your mouth at the fitting. We will finish fitting the prosthesis as needed.
    Repairing the prostheses. With good home care, a fixed prosthesis can last up to ten years or more. The mucous membranes become deformed when loose prostheses are worn, and initially, loose prostheses may need to be reshaped by resurfacing up to a year after fitting.
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The production of the dental prostheses takes many steps – the result is rewarding
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Production takes many steps

Acrylic, often used as a material for removable dental prostheses, repels dirt well but can crack when it dries. This can make it easier for oral contaminants to adhere.

Tartar can stick to the surface of the dental prosthesis, just like real teeth – so remember to clean your dental prosthesis carefully!

  • Clean your dental prosthesis twice a day.
  • Remove the dental prosthesis from your mouth for cleaning.
  • Wash dental prostheses with a soft brush designed for denture cleaning.
  • Use a non-abrasive denture cleaner that will not damage the acrylic surface.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water.
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Cleaning removable prostheses
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Cleaning removable prostheses

Your dental prosthesis will last a long time if you take good care of them at home and have regular dental check-ups.

Sometimes your dental prosthesis can break. When this happens, it's a good idea to see a dentist. All dental prostheses can be repaired if necessary.

If your dental prosthesis feels loose or out of place, book an appointment at Hammas Mehiläinen. We will check the functionality of your dental prosthesis and fix it, good as new.

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Dental prosthesis repair renews your teeth

Dental prosthetic treatment may require several visits to a dentist or, in more severe cases, a prosthetic dental specialist. The price also depends on the prosthetic model and materials.

You will receive a price estimate for the production of a suitable dental prosthesis.

A long-lasting, comfortable and well-functioning dental prosthesis is an investment in your own well-being. At Hammas Mehiläinen, we manufacture dentures using the best equipment and quality materials – we also use 3D technology where possible to achieve the best possible results.

We believe that price need not be a barrier to functional and beautiful dentures, and that's why you can pay for your treatment in instalments. Check out our flexible payment methods.

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Dental prosthesis – the price depends on the number of procedures and the materials used
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Dental prosthesis – price
Sivukohtainen UKK
How quickly can I get dental prosthesis – how long does it take to make a dental prosthesis?

The fastest way to get a dental prosthesis is within a few weeks from the moment your mouth is diagnosed as healthy and any extraction cavities have completely healed.

You don't have to be without a tooth for a moment during treatment – a temporary dental prosthesis can be fabricated and fitted in your mouth, for example, during a tooth extraction.

What types of dental prostheses are there?

Depending on the situation, dental prostheses are available in fixed or removable versions. Removable dental prostheses can be partial or full dentures. Fixed dentures can be attached directly to your own tooth or to an implant screwed into your jawbone.

Who are dental prostheses suitable for?

Dental prostheses are generally suitable for anyone who is committed to good home dental care.

Both fixed and removable prostheses should be thoroughly cleaned on a daily basis. You should also have regular dental check-ups.

Smoking is a clear risk factor for dental prostheses. In some cases, it can even be a barrier to implant treatment, for example. Some diseases that are not under control can also worsen the prognosis for prosthodontic treatment.

Discuss your situation with your dentist.

Does the fitting of dental prostheses hurt?

The fitting of dental prostheses is usually completely painless. Fitting fixed implant-supported dental prostheses requires the insertion of an implant screw into your jawbone. The procedure is performed under anaesthesia, so don't worry: you won't feel any pain.

What is the best dental prostheses fixative?

As a rule, removable dental prostheses are designed and manufactured so that you do not need fixatives or other prostheses adhesives.

There are adhesives for removable dental prostheses that can help keep them in place when other options are not enough. You can find the right product for you by experimenting.

If you have problems using your dental prosthesis or it doesn't seem to fit in your mouth, visit your dentist to have it checked. It might be possible to improve the retention of your dental prostheses by rebasing or tightening the pins – and you do not need any adhesives.

Dental prostheses – home care?

Careful cleaning of both fixed and removable dentlas prostheses is important to keep your mouth healthy and the prosthetic structures usable.

Wash your teeth and prosthesis every morning and evening as instructed by your dentist. You should also have regular dental check-ups and, if necessary, tartar removals.

Is it possible to clean dental prostheses with vinegar?

It is not recommended to clean dental prostheses with vinegar. Use a denture cleaner and a soft denture brush.

Can I sleep with the dental prosthesis in my mouth?

You should remove your removable dental prosthesis from your mouth for the night. This allows blood circulation to supply the mucous membranes of your mouth during the night. In special cases, it is possible to wear dentures occasionally overnight – but not regularly.

Is a full dental prosthesis more expensive than partial dental prosthesis?

In the case of dental prostheses, the price depends on the amount of work required by the dentist and the technician. The total cost of the dental prosthesis is affected by the condition of your teeth and any soft tissue and jawbone reshaping needs, as well as the material and method of attachment of the denture.

At the planning visit, you will receive a price estimate for the most suitable dental prosthesis for your specific situation, so there will be no unpleasant price surprises.

Fixed dental prosthesis – price?

The price of a fixed dental prosthesis depends on the extent of the amount of work required, the way the prosthesis is fixed and the material used.

When you are having fixed dental prosthesis made, you will be given an estimate of the total cost at your planning visit.

Dental bridge – price?

With new implant techniques, a dental bridge between your own teeth is an increasingly rare solution to replace a missing tooth. However, a dental bridge between your own teeth is a good option in certain cases. Your dentist will assess the suitability of a bridge for you. A bridge on your own teeth will be custom-made to fit your mouth.

You will receive a price estimate in advance during your planning visit.

Dental prosthesis rebasing – price?

Contact Hammas Mehiläinen – you will receive a price estimate from the rebasing of your dental prostheses.

Dental prosthesis repair – price?

The price of a dental prosthesis repair depends on the amount of work required and what is repaired. Contact Hammas Mehiläinen – we will check the situation and give a price estimate for the repair of your dental prostheses.

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Dentures or false teeth - See the price
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Dentures, or false teeth, are removable or fixed in the mouth. See the price of the dental prosthesis and make an appointment!

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Price list and payment
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Palvelut-osion otsikko

During the dental check-up, you will get an assessment of the health of your mouth and teeth from the dentist, as well as a recommendation for further measures. A dental check-up is a painless examination, and there is no need to do any treatment in connection with it.

Dental fear check

With a dentist experienced in treating patients with dental fear, you can face your fears safely and at your own pace.

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Dental prostheses, or artificial denture, in a nutshell
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Dentures, or false teeth, correct the bite and make your row of teeth look beautiful.
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Dentures, or false teeth, correct the bite and make your row of teeth look beautiful.
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