These pages include information about how to act, when you need an appointment with a doctor or another expert. We also provide instructions for situations when you are coming for a consultation, occupational health visit, to the laboratory or to a surgery. You can also read about our policies related to patient safety and giving feedback.

Service phone numbers for clients
Patient information in the Kanta archive
The OmaMehiläinen online service – frequently asked questions

Patient safety is a shared concern

Mehiläinen continuously develops patient safety. Hygiene work and preventing hospital infections have been the key areas of development in all of our departments. We also invest in the safety of medication with multiple development projects. Our different operation processes have been analyzed from the patient safety point of view and machine safety is monitored by the instructions set by the officials and manufacturers.

We are still developing the existing operating models. We have learned from safety critical fields, such as aviation, as we develop the patient safety improving policies.


The close calls and danger situations during care and treatment

The event descriptions by health care professionals in Mehiläinen have helped to recognize patient safety weakening situations and close call situations.

With the information we have received, we have developed patient safety. To keep developing our operating methods, we also want our clients to notify us about situations, which have dangered safety.

This is how you make a notification of a close call situation or a danger situation related to patient safety:

If you feel, that a danger situation or a close danger situation has happened in your or your loved one’s care

  • Give the feedback with your name or anonymously in our online webservice.
  • When you leave your contact information, you will receive information about the progression of the case.


Additionally you can give feedback through the following channels

1. NPS-indicator

  • We ask for feedback by a text message straight after your visit to the doctor.
  • A real time NPS indicator (Net Promoter Score) tells, how many of our patients recommend Mehiläinen.

2. General feedback channel

  • In Mehiläinen’s general feedback channel you can give personal feedback about your experience, the services or possible areas of improvement.

3. Patient ombudsman -notifications related to patient’s rights and patient injury law

In each of Mehiläinen’s locations there’s a patient ombudsman, whose job is to guide and advice patients with patient injury suspicions. If you suspect, that there has happened a mistake or a treatment mistake in your care, the ombudsman will help you solve the issue .

The contact information for patient ombudsmen are found here (in finnish) or by calling the telephone switchboard at 010 4140 112.

The telephone switchboard is open followingly:

Monday to Friday 8am-16pm
Saturday closed
Sunday closed

When the switchboard is closed, the calls are automatically directed to the time booking number 010 414 00.

The job of the patient ombudsman is to:

  1. advice patients with issues related to applying this law;
  2. help patients with matters intended in clauses 1 and 3 in section 10 §;
  3. inform the patient about their rights
  4. work to advance and fulfill the patient’s rights.


More information about patient rights from Valvira’s pages

If you are unsatisfied with the care you or a loved one has been getting, you have a possibility to act differently to solve the issue. Read more Valvira’s pages.

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