Learn about Mehiläinen’s services to support the development of work communities.

Mehiläinen’s services for work communities
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In a functional work community, the employees respect one another, know what the other employees are doing and understand how the other employees’ work is related to their own work. The employees are open about work-related matters, and the organisation’s flow of information is open. The leadership is fair and equal and the people feel that their work is meaningful. Mehiläinen Working Life Services support companies in the development of the work communities. Learn more Work community and its development

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For the work community

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Safe and healthy work

We help our customers develop their working environment, work methods as well as occupational health and safety

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Healthy and happy work community

We support and encourage workplaces in promoting occupational well-being and the functionality of the work community

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Contact us

Contact us to set up an appointment to discuss the best working life services for your business.

Tel. (switchboard): +358 (0)10 414 0112
Email: myynti@mehilainen.fi

See the contact details of the sales team here

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A workplace survey to support the well-being of the work community

The workplace survey forms the basis for occupational health care activities. The survey assesses the health risks and hazards caused by the work, working environment, work community and stress factors as well as their impacts on health and work ability. The survey also analyses the resource factors of the work. Learn more


Comprehensive services for the work community

A wide range of services is available to support the well-being of the work community. Have there been or will there be any major changes in your company or event that you need support in, or do you want to improve cognitive ergonomics in your expert organisation? We also offer services to support the beginning of a career. Learn more about our services and request a quote.

Sisältö karuselli
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The changing office work ergonomics

The Remote work ergonomics lecture offers a thought-provoking package on ergonomics for those working remotely. The specialist giving the lecture is an occupational physiotherapist.

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Citizens at office

Work counselling for the work community

Work counselling for the work community is intended for the members of the same work community or group to review operating methods. The work counselling meetings are facilitated by a trained instructor. Learn more about work counselling.

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at the office

More efficient brainwork services

The More efficient brainwork service is intended for learning and memory problems encountered in psychosocial stressful work. Choose the most suitable More efficient brainwork service for your work community.

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People at the office standing in circle

Change support for the work community

The Change support for the work community lectures are support lectures given by an occupational psychologist related to changes in the work community, such as organisational changes and redundancies. Learn more about Change support for the work community lectures.

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Warehouse workers

Ergonomics in brief

Ergonomics in brief is a concise information package about ergonomics and workplace exercise. The Ergonomics in brief package is tailored to each company. Learn more about the service!

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The activities of the work community and the work environment
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