Mehiläisen Terapiapalvelut

Varaa aika terapeutille

Varaa aika soittamalla lähimmälle Mehiläinen Terapiaklinikalle tai asiakaspalveluumme (arkisin klo 8-16) numeroon 010 414 0900.

Katso lähin Terapiaklinikka

Hae terapeutiksi

Mehiläinen Terapiaklinikalla pääset tekemään aidosti merkityksellistä työtä ja kehittämään ammattitaitoasi.

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Speech therapy improves the ability to communicate

If there are issues with communication, speech therapy can improve one’s functional capacity in everyday situations.


Occupational therapy supports interaction

Occupational therapy provides support in everyday life when coping with things feels difficult.


Child and youth psychological services

Our psychologists discuss issues and provide advice, support and help in situations where there is a crisis or other problem. They also carry out psychological examinations and assessments.


Group therapy creates a safe environment

Group therapy provides a safe environment for practising everyday skills, social interaction and active participation.



Psykologimme tekevät arviointeja, tutkimuksia, neuvovat ja tukevat, sekä tekevät yksityisasiakkaiden vastaanottokäyntejä.

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Neuropsykologimme auttavat neuropsykologisten erityisvaikeuksien arvioimisessa ja kuntoutuksessa.

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When should you seek therapy?

The earlier the mental symptoms are identified and the sooner therapy is received, the more likely you are to recover quickly. You can book a therapy appointment without a referral. The appointments are carried out as remote or in-person appointments with a Mehiläinen mental health professional.

If you need help choosing an expert, you can ask Mehiläinen Therapy Clinic for advice. Find your nearest therapy clinic.



Examinations by Mehiläinen’s Therapy Clinic can clarify the situation if you have concerns about your functional or verbal skills or your behaviour. Psychological examinations and assessments of the need for speech or occupational therapy provide the basis for creating an individual rehabilitation plan. Read more about our examination services:

Therapy groups

Examinations by Mehiläinen’s Therapy Clinic can clarify the situation if you have concerns about your functional or verbal skills or your behaviour. Psychological examinations and assessments of the need for speech or occupational therapy provide the basis for creating an individual rehabilitation plan. Read more about our examination services:

Group and multimodal rehabilitation

Oma Väylä rehabilitation


Lääkäripalvelut lapsille ja nuorille

Physician services for children and young people

Mehiläinen’s paediatric neurologists and psychiatrists are experts in neurological and mental disorders affecting children and young people. They carry out formal assessments for treatment and rehabilitation plans, guide treatment planning and monitor the progress of rehabilitation. Learn more about our physician services:

Paediatric neurologist and psychiatrist services

Other therapy services

Other therapy services offered by Mehiläinen include support for work and animal-assisted rehabilitation. We also provide coaching programmes specifically designed for young people.

Muut terapiapalvelut

Therapy clinics

We provide services at our clinics throughout Finland. Our services are also offered remotely.


The types of experts in Therapy Services

When you are worried about your own mental health or that of a loved one, our many mental health professionals are there for you. With any mental health issues, you can contact a mood coach, psychologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

Occupational therapist

Occupational therapists rehabilitate customers individually and run rehabilitation groups. The therapy is provided either at the clinic or in the customer’s own environment, such as in a kindergarten or school or at home. Occupational therapy for adults can also focus on supporting work ability and leisure activities.


Seek help from a psychologist when a discussion with an outsider could help you deal with difficult feelings or life situations. The need for help may be a result of sudden crises or prolonged problems.


A neuropsychologist is a psychologist specialised in neuropsychology. Neuropsychologists examine cognitive functional capacity, which refers to skills related to memory, learning ability and general intellectual performance as well as the ability to regulate one’s emotions and behaviour.

Speech therapists

Speech therapists help children and adults with speech and language disorders improve their verbal skills. The goal of speech therapy is to improve the customer’s communication and functional capacity in everyday life, and therefore the rehabilitation takes place mainly in the everyday environment of customers.

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