Mielen hyvinvointi

Many young women are extremely demanding for themselves. They expect perfection in studies, work and relationships, and in addition to this, they must remember to exercise regularly and take care of their looks. Many believe that their value is determined by their performances and accomplishments. This kind of living and way of thinking easily causes burnout, and your mind gets stuck for over-performing. Every-day life does not have to be about achievement: sometimes, sufficiently good is enough. Be merciful to yourself and give yourself a break every once in a while.


Every one suffers from sleeplessness sometimes, and it is completely normal. An exam or another exciting event the next day could make you nervous and prevent you from falling asleep. Long-term sleep problems, however, influence every-day coping and could stress the body. Insomnia can manifest itself as difficulties in falling asleep, frequent awakenings during the night or waking up too early in the morning. However, insomnia can be prevented through lifestyle changes and correct rhythms. Pain or restless legs can also be the reason behind sleeping difficulties.

It is advisable to get help early for sleep disturbances, in order to treat the problem. Help is available from experts.


Occasional tiredness is not yet a symptom of anything serious. We have all been tired sometimes for various reasons. Someone didn’t go to bed early enough. Someone wakes up in the middle of a sleep to think about the day to come. When evaluating tiredness, the situation is compared to friends and schoolmates. Falling asleep in the middle of the day starts to require further examination. Also, continued stress or bad eating habits consume energy.

Coping in every-day life

Time management problems and stress are common problems. To balance sleep and work/studies, it is good to do what you really enjoy. This gives you new energy and helps to go on in your every-day life. Meet your friends, spend time with your favourite hobby, exercise or give yourself the permission to enjoy a movie on a couch with snacks. Learn to notice the simple joys in life instead of the negative things.


Sometimes we can feel worry and anxiety without a particular reason. You can feel that you are not enough and that there is not enough time to do everything that you should. You can also feed tension, restlessness, irritability, tiredness and even your stomach may react to the situation. Clearly, you are not feeling well. Stop for a while and think if you could yourself help your situation or whether you should turn to an expert for help.

Accepting yourself

It is often easier for us to notice the negative things in our surroundings. However, it is possible to develop yourself and your brain, learn relationships skills and to accept yourself. Little by little, there are more and more small joys, enhancing our conception of a more positive world around us. At the same time, we improve our way of life.

Take care of yourself

Sometimes you can yourself influence your thoughts and shape your life into the right direction. However, if you feel like you could need help in managing your life, don’t hesitate to contact our experts. They can certainly give you help and tools for your life.

Doctors and specialists for young women at Mehiläinen

We have selected from among Mehiläinen’s experts some doctors suitable for young women, in particular.
View the doctors and specialists for young women >>

If you are not sure which doctor to select for the appointment, visit our online booking system or use our chat service. There our nurse will help you to find the most suitable doctor or expert, the place and the time, if necessary. The online booking system also displays the price estimate for the appointment.

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